wow.. hard to get time to update this.... first in response to compartmentize the pontoons.... my plan is to fill them with closed cell eps foam (those big white foam blocks you see used for docks). surprisingly, I can get all the foam I need for about $70... ill have pics for this later...
So here are the "plans" I came up with to build the actual pontoons:
I purchased 4, 4 x10 sheets of .100 guauge aluminum ($160/sheet). I decided it would be impossible to bend these on my own given the 10 foot length so I didn't attempt to make a brake to do it. I had them bent at a local shop for $400 total.
2 of the sheets were bent as follows:
- 1 inch bend on each end lengthwise (to provide rivet/bolt lip for top)
- then 12 inces down each side, made another bend
- so the profile is: 1 inch lip (facing out), 12 inch sides and 22 inch width across the bottom. the width across the top is 24 inches
Here is a profile view
And here is what the 4x10 bends looked like (bends in red)
1 4x10 sheet simply cut down the middle to get 2 - 2x10 pieces.
These pieces will be used for the top of the bent sheets above. Rivet (or maybe use stainless steel bolts) to connect these tops using the lip of the bent pieces
Finally, the two front sections of each pontoon
I had the final 4x10 sheet, cut down to 84 inches long and bent the same way as the first 2 sheets were. once bent, I then cut this 48x84 inch in half to get 2 48x42 inch pieces. These pieces will be welded to the10 foot pieces to serve as the front part of the pontoon. ** the remaining piece from this sheet will be cut in half and used for the tops for the front pontoon pieces.
Now on these 2 front pieces, I cut them to get the upward slope angle for the front of the pontoons. i cut the angle as you can see, then I cut the bottom piece 1 inch up from the bottom so i could keep the lip/bend (the blue shaded area)....i then used this piece to weld to the angle piece I cut.... worked perfectly and didn't wast materials
in this pic u can kind of see how I welded this bottom piece to the 10 foot toon.
and here are the bent toons when I got them home

ok... off to bed... ill update much more over the weekend...