I just picked up a G3 and in the process of undoing a lot of saltwater corrosion, I'm redoing all of the electrical on it. It had a 20A(Seadog) circuit breaker and #8 wire going to the console. I moved that from the motor battery to the trolling battery because I did not want anything but the motor on the start battery. I can limp back to the dock with no lights if I have to, but I want that motor to start every time. Now, I have a 20A C/B feeding the console and a 50A C/B going to the trolling motor from the trolling battery. I've ordered a Blue Sea Charging Relay that should be here in a couple of days. That's a cool device. it combines both batteries when the motor is running so both get charged, but as soon as you shut it off, the batteries are isolated, so you can trol on a full batteryl without using the starting battery. The other thing I'll do is connect the positive poles of the batteries together with a Blue Sea on/off switch, so if my start battery does get weak, I can use both batteries to start the motor.
I've already replaced the nav lights and the bases they plug into. Initially, noting electrical worked because there were corroded grounds all over the place. My project tomorrow is to get rid of the electrical plugs under the console and solder and shrink wrap everything. This is a lake boat I bought to use for catfishing, but it's also going to do double duty at the coast as a bay boat and salt wreaks havoc on wiring. Also, all of the wire terminals are getting stripped back to new wire and connectors solderd on those as well. It's a pretty big job, but th electrical will be bullet proof when I'm done. After all of that, it gets a Racor water/fuel separator and then I'm going fishing.