Huntinfool's 1860 Tracker

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So I got home today, wife was gone, so what to know, work on the boat!!!!

I mounted a perko switch in the back so my battery won't keep dying trying to keep the radio powered.
When I turn my key on the lights in my gauges come on. So while I was under the console cleaning up some more wires and looking for a new place to mount a switch panel, I added a 12" strip of LED lights. I wired in to the gauge lights so it will always be on when the key is on.
I like the way it came out.
I have three more I am thinking about adding to the back of my boat as fishing lights. Does anyone else actually use lights on the back for fishing?
I may just keep them for other projects.


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Do you mean a fishing light as in fish attracting light (like a crappie light) or to see to rod tips?
I only use a single submersible light for fishing but I use two lanterns for lighting up the rods and tying rigs. And yes, I use one aft and one fore.
More of a fishing light. I was thinking about mounting them at the bottom out the motor mount and maybe under or inside the pods. I just don't fish much like that and don't know if I'd actually use them.
Well my pop and I went out on Sunday and the bait was everywhere. I finally started catching a few and the wind picked up. We said to heck with it and fished on.


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We had such a great time we decided to do it again Monday. Got right back into them and lucky the wind wasn't that bad. Took off across the lake and hit 33mph. Did some trolling and the motor died. Started it up again and died again. Back and forth we trolled, would start it again go a bit it would sputter, and generally ran like crap. Decided to get back across the lake, but I could hardly get the boat to plane it ran so bad. Had a heck of a time loading it and got it out. I tilted the motor to take it home and fuel can pouring out of the belly pan. Took the cowling off and the middle carb float bowl had fallen off!!!! ( thanks dad for the rebuild ;-) )
Also the potentmeter seems to have gone out on the trolling motor, so I get to rebuild that too!

Float bowl is back on, and I should have the trolling motor apart soon.

Good news,
we caught another cooler full of fish!
forgot the other pic.


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Well I have made a few trips in the boat and have been laying the white bass on the cooler. ( I changed phones and some pics on old phone)

Tomorrow and Monday I plan on making my first trip to the salt in this boat. My good buddy, who happens to be my boss, and I plan on getting it wet.

In preparation for this trip I added a live well bubbler system. I then added foam around the bait well to help keep it cooler. I have also been wanting to basically turn this into a cooler. I added a bag of ice last night and three hours later it was still ice.
I was running late this morning and forgot to check it, but I got home around 4pm and it was about 90 outside. The ice was melted but the water was cold! So I think I have hit a home run with this. Should be great for bass trips.

Wish me luck, hope to have some more pics to add.
Them ole white bass sure are mean. I been catching a bunch while chasing large mouth. I'll swear I got a 4 or 5 pounder until I see that white and silver role over at the boat. Love the pics and I recommend people to read your stuff.
Well my wife and I, along with my oldest son and his girlfriend went out today. We launched and were just idling out of the no wake zone when my son said "right there dad!" The white were schooled up and busting the surface. Turned the motor off and trolling motored over. I had a trolling rig on ( crankbait with a3 ft leader and a pet spoon.) So first cast I hooked up and passed off to the girlfriend. I had a rattle trap on another pole, cast it and hooked up and passed it off to my wife. Took both fish off and hooked another one. Then the broke up. Couldn't get back on them. Went across the lake and the wind picked up. So we headed back to where we started. Then to the marina for some minnows. Wound up catching some cats and 2 real nice crappie. Enough for a meal. Weather was bad, light rain when we got there, wind picked up bad and then just before noon, more rain coming. Headed home and the bottom fell out. Right now our street is underwater, the driveway and the acre we live one is a lake. May need the boat again today!
Wife and I made plans to go fishing today. She ended up working her tail off yesterday at our first grand daughters baby shower and has another one in two weeks. After about 40 mins on the road and almost 1.5 hours behind schedule, I turned around. She's sound asleep, so let the projects begin!
So here is my first mod of the day.
This is how my light currently was sitting. I have had two of them stepped on (not by me) and destroyed.
So it was time to move it!


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This spot looked promising.


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So I took it off and there was plenty of room. So I cut a hole and stuck in a piece if PVC.

The light fit perfectly. So then I got to thinking about how to keep it in there. Hmmmm.....


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So my dad and I whipped this up.

I like it and it seems to work great.

On to the next project.


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I didn't want to waste those light mounts and I didn't have a place for my front light so....


That should work.


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Now for the anchor.

See what I'm gonna do?


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Yep, I did it.


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I took the piece I cut out and turned it into the door for my new hold. I added some bracing on the underside and a lip around it so it won't fall in. Its Father's day so we shut it down early to enjoy some family time. Pic of progress to follow.

Here you can see how I made the door. I don't have all the screws in and the hinge is not screwed down yet. But this should work great.


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I'm a grandpa!
2.5 months early, but appears to be healthy.


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