Huntinfool's 1860 Tracker

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huntinfool said:
hunterguy86 said:
Nice boat!

Where did you end up mounting the transducer for the new fish finder a few pages back? Transom mount?

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Yes sir. I mounted it just inside the sponsons.

You can see the wire going down right next to the sponson.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

I may have to try that. I have sponsons on my 1450 xpress.

Any problems with it mounted there?


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Any chance you could find me a center console like yours. Only asking cause you said yall do warranty work. Also how is the grip on the compartment working. And what kind of paint did you use on bottom to camo?
thursdaymike said:
Any chance you could find me a center console like yours. Only asking cause you said yall do warranty work. Also how is the grip on the compartment working. And what kind of paint did you use on bottom to camo?
I can see if they have anything.
Grip is still hanging on.
Pain is just some rattle can. Nothing special. Some of it was on there from the previous owner. I added some more, and I've been thinking about doing even more.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
hunterguy86 said:
huntinfool said:
It does spray some, but not a problem for me.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Cool. Thanks for the info. I'll stop hijacking your thread now lol

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No worries. Questions don't bother me. Glad I can help. I know what it's like to tackle a new project and doing it blind.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I should have gone fishing today, but it's the last weekend if archery season and my last chance to shoot two does for the freezer.

Wish me luck. I've got some more ideas for the boat, probably start on those soon.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Well, I guess hunting was the right decision.


Not the biggest, but good enough. It'll eat real good.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
So my dad decided he wanted to try and build a boat with a jet ski motor in it.



Here's what he ended up with.

We took it out for a maiden voyage and she didn't do so well.

First we have some leaks.
Second the carbs seem to bog down the motor ( not enough fuel) and need to be adjusted.

Third the ski he got was used exclusively in salt water and over heated rather quickly and shut down.

Working on fixing these problems and get her back on the water.

I did catch some fish.




All in all a good day.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Put a new motor in the jet John and she ran up to 30 mph.
Took my boat out today and caught some fish.

I am starting to have a problem.ive got a new battery in my boat, but when I try and start it, it's turns over fast for 3-5 seconds and then acts like the battery is dead. I've cleaned all wires and replaced the main cables. No clue where to go from here.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I've got an tracker 1860 and was wondering what size/pitch prop you are running and what speeds you got?

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huntinfool said:
I am starting to have a problem.ive got a new battery in my boat, but when I try and start it, it's turns over fast for 3-5 seconds and then acts like the battery is dead. I've cleaned all wires and replaced the main cables. No clue where to go from here.

Sounds like a loose connection. When you first start turning it over there is a good connection and then as the wires/connections heat up the connection is lost making it sound like a dead battery. I would go through them again and check to see if a connection is loose. Soon after trying to start it, feel your cables and connections for a hot spot somewhere. When you find heat that will be your area of concern. If you have a voltmeter hook it up to your battery and try to start it. The voltage should drop a volt or two as you are trying to start it. If it comes back up and your starter slows, you have a loose connection. If the voltage drops drastically the battery is dead. If you have a loose connection, move your voltmeter positive leads to the next junction or connector and do it again. When you find one that drops drastically that will be your loose connection. Be aware it could be on either the positive or negative side of the cables and not just the positive.
Replaced all cables ( larger wire and new eyelets) and all connections are tight. Replaced the the solenoid and wire from the solenoid to the starter.
The ground wire on the solenoid was melted ( probably from when I was stranded ) so that was replaced with a slightly larger wire.
The starter was new and installed last year. ( Who knows what the connections are like inside)
I'll try the voltage test.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
I ended up getting a new starter and so far that seems to have fixed all my problems.

Got a hog hunt in 2 weeks, so I'll know more then.

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

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