My experience with quitting, like everyone else's, is one of quitting several times over about a 10 year period, certain each time that this time was going to be THE time. One morning, like so many others, waking up coughing for 5 minutes, hacking up a bunch of crap from my throat and lungs, grabbing my coffee and lighting up, I asked myself what the hell I was doing and if I really wanted to feel this way and eventually a lot worse, every morning for the rest of my life.
Then I got up, put out the smoke, dumped the ashtray and the rest of the pack into the toilet and flushed them. I then proceeded to clean my house, dumping all astrays in the toilet so I coun't scrounge for butts later and then doing a thorough cleaning of the entire place, starting with the TV & Computer screens and the windows. Seeing those cleaning rags get covered wit tar and other smoke residue just reinforced my will to quit. That day was 15 years ago and I haven't had a tobacco product of any kind since.
Make up your mind that you don't want to smoke any longer rather than that you want to quit. That way, you're doing something you want to do rather than giving up something. Then don't think or talk about smoking, other than concentrating to overcome urges to smoke, unless someone notices and remarks that you aren't smoking. I had stopped for a week before my wife noticed and asked me if I was still smoking. And she had been on my ass for 15 years to stop. Mind over matter... If you don't mind, it don't matter. :wink:
Good luck, whatever way you get off the coffin nails just do it for yourself. If money is your motivator, use that. Whatever works.
You'll be glad you did.