Indeed! If it's anything like my experience with my boat, people almost break their necks staring as it whizzes by, with a puzzled look on their face like "where's the motor on that thing?" It's always fun to race them, too. Anytime I go inland, I always see somebody in one of those little fast crafts or bug buster type boats with a souped-up outboard, and I always enjoy running alongside them.
Not just inland, but here, as well. We've got a guy out here with one of those go-devil surface drives on his boat, he thinks he owns the creek at low tide because of where it can go. Correction, he THOUGHT he owned the creek, until I blasted by him one day, passed him like he was sitting still, then went 100 yards up the creek from him, did a 180 spin at 30 MPH, and blasted back by him. The look on his face, and his passenger's faces was great, wish I'd had my camera for that one! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 8)