Well-known member
Hey guys it's been quite awhile since I've been here. Let's just say life's been happening. Five years before I retired from truck driving I went back to night shift linehaul runs. Trying to make things easier on my back instead of daytime deliveries. I succeeded and on 04/11/2014 I hung it up after 37 years with the same company. I did work a PT job for awhile 3 days a week because essentially I left sooner than planned but I was doing okay. Well my kids started having more kids and the next thing you know I've got 8 grandbabies running around and old Paw Paw is pretty busy.
Between spending time with them and fishing some and the wife's honey do semi-retired list she has for me. :LOL2: Then comes 05/14/2018. I'm sitting at home and next thing you know I think I'm having a heart attack. Wife's a nurse so she checks BP/Pulse. BP 198/108 P 127 :shock: Rushes me to ER and time we get there everything is back to normal. They proceed to do echocardiogram, stress test, heart cath and can't find anything. No sign of heart attack cardiologist says my heart in great shape. Long story short spend the next 6 months with being a guinea pig them trying to give me meds to get BP and HR under control. Also with all the bloodwork going on certain levels are coming back high. I get sent to more specialists. I'm borderline for a rare cancer that can kill me in 6-12 mos. My kidneys are producing 10 times the amount of some enzyme called Renin Plasma than normal. Shorten this story up some by Dec. 2019 they finally determine I do not have the cancer. I went to Cleveland Clinic 5 times for them to tell me that physically there is absolutely nothing wrong with me and they do not know why my kidneys are doing what they're doing. They basically said I should be dying or dead already. With everything going on I sold my Ranger Bass boat I had and was getting my affairs in order to try and save the wife some grief. For right now I'm just living day to day. I've started working on my 1989 Bass Tracker Pro 17 I had bought right after I had retired to make a restricted HP lake boat and going to see what God has for me. He took the death sentence of Cancer away. I've been having some BP spikes just not as often or as bad. Figured I better get back on this site for some help in restoring my "Old Tin Lizzy". Plan on posting pics as I work on it in the rebuild section if I can figure out how. Y'all have a great day.