This post got me wondering what mine is worth. I am the original owner, the boat has always been garage kept. All paperwork on boat and trailer is up to date. Honda probably has less than 50 hours, we run it electric 99% of the time.
A boat like that would be a tough sale up here. Most tend to buy a hull, then a motor, and so on There's an '09 Tracker for sale in fair shape down the road from me a bit that the dealer is asking $11k for. He told me he'd take $9,500. Its got newer carpet, a Yamaha 20hp four stroke and a Hummingbird fish finder and bow mount trolling motor and its on a welded painted trailer.
I've seen far worse sell for far more but no often ass a complete package.
Most simply can't come up with that much cash and banks won't finance small used boats since the bank value would likely be in the hundreds at best. The typical buyer likely also doesn't have any collateral for a loan.
What happens is that the main value becomes the hull vs the package and the motor is no longer valued, nor is the trailer.
If I were to sell that I'd almost certainly break it up selling the motor first then the hull and finally the trailer.
Separate the motor in good shape should bring about $15-1600 or so, the hull maybe around $4k, and another $800 - $1,200 for the trailer. Then your left with the small items like the seats, swivels, fish finder, and batteries which will likely bring another $400-500 or so.
The small motor would be a tough sell and being a Honda doesn't do it any favors despite the, being very good motors there's nearly zero local support and almost no following here.
If it were mine, I'd list the motor at $2k in hopes of a fair offer, the hull at $8,500 and probably have to fend off dozens of lowball offers under $2k before someone finally turns up with real cash. The trailer woiud sell fast and likely for more than it sold for new.
One way to look at it is that as a whole package the motor has no value to a guy who wants it with a 40hp or a 20hp. Separate you may well find a buyer who already has a motor or trailer and just wants the hull. You also have those who only run jet drive motors in the shallows too.
MV hulls are best in smaller water and not seen much outside the rivers and small creeks, Most lake fisherman want a V hull and the max hp two stroke it'll take. Although four strokes have come a long way, the money jist isn't out there these days and most who are fishing are fishing for food not fun with the intention of putting some meat on the table.