Lost my Wife


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I pray for peace and solace for you and your family.
Very sorry for your loss. I can relate in a small way. I lost my 48-year-old son a year and half ago to viral pneumonia ....suddenly. Never been so shocked and "out of it" as I was when that happened.

Time does help. Don't believe that it makes you forget, it just makes remembering..... hit you a little bit less often.

Get as involved in as much physical stuff as you can. It does help pass the time.

Two years from now, you will be better at accepting. That's what it is all about. Not forgetting, but rather accepting. richg99
So sorry for your loss... completely inadequate words... May the comfort promised by God in II Corinthians bring you a peace that transcends the pain you are going through... post away if it helps... we're all a mess in some way... just going through this world doing the best we can... we're brought together here by a common interest... but would be glad to just lend an ear to a friend...
FishingCop, I'm so sorry for your loss, and the trauma you are enduring.

I lived with the end in sight of a loved one, and the amalgam of shock, pain, relief, and disbelief still come back to visit at the oddest times. It's like part of my mind and heart still don't understand.

Be gentle with yourself, Sir.
Post away buddy! I'd imagine it helps. And we are all here for you.
Been with my wife for 25 years now. And I shutter at the thought of loosing her.
Sorry for your loss and thank you for your service.
Words at a time like this seem so inadequate. The Bible says "test everything, hold on to the good." So hold on to the good. I'm sure the good far outweighs the bad, and the memories will all take on a good spin. My prayers to God for you and your family.
Thank you all so very much for your thought, prayers and best wishes. I appreciate all the kind words. Difficult times ahead but my son and daughter and I are strong and we will get through the tough times together.

Very sorry to hear that. It takes two special people to be able to put up with each other for 37 tears. I wish the best for you and your family.
Joe - (FC),

Just saw this and can't tell you how sorry I am to read this news. Prayers for you, your family and your wife.

We are family here and you can reach out to me, or most any of us at any time I'm sure.
So very sorry for your lose, reading your story brought tears to my eyes. Hang in there it will get easier to cope, time does indeed heal all wounds including broken hearts. Continue with what you love to do it will help with the grieving process and remember all the good times you enjoyed together.
Prayers for you.
My sincere condolences to you and yours. Your jokes always made my day. I would copy and paste into my e-mails. Get back to fishing if you can. Someone here said it was therapeutic and I agree. It helped me with the loss of my father years ago. Still helps today when I'm out in the boat.
You're at the helm, force 5 storm, decks awash in foam 3 feet and mountains of sea all around.... I lost my best friend on Jan. 15, struck down suddenly. I turned down his road at daylight and encountered a sight I shall not forget. His wife, of twenty something years, walking down the road towards me in the dawn, her face contorted in pain and tears streaming down her face....trying to give his confused dog his daily morning walk.
She was just trying to go on, decks awash in pain. I have spent some time since thinking what would I do if I lost my wife of thirty something years. How would I go on, could I go on...those questions based on a personal knowledge of the reality of pain during my life. Should I pay 3 thousand for that motor to get going again? I mean really. What is on the horizon? I see clouds, but there is sun behind them I think...not sure. Love is a wonderful thing, life itself, and unknown to us when young, at the end is pain. Maybe greater, maybe lesser but pain almost for sure. In the tally I think its worth it to go on. Love has propagated itself around, and in it there is a harbor from the storm. The boat will never be the same but she'll still run and can at sunrise and set show you beauty over the water again.

As I think of how profoundly sorry I am to hear of your pain I cannot separate myself from the thought and hope that I will not follow you in that storm and have to act on these same words to you.
