Say goodbye to Angler of the year. Going forward it will be called Member of the year. This site is more than just fishing. The weekend angler that has 3 kids can not "compete" with the 18 year old who fishes 7 days a week. I would rather reward a member who encompasses (he said encompasses! :LOL2

what a TB member should be. One who contributes, shares knowledge when they can, congratulates others for a job well done, and even catches and reports on an occasional fish.
So how this is going to work (for now). Just keep doing what your doing, nothing needs to change. At the end of the year I will ask all the Moderators to give me three names of who they think should be the winner. We will then go back and forth till we choose a "winner" and that person will be rewarded the Title and prize.
Maybe I will reward a small prize for the AOY...Who knows. I need to think and talk about this with the other mods.
This could all change again, who knows.