Sorry Guys! I didn't want to start an arguement. I like hunting, I like fishing, & I beleive we all have the right to be armed. Whether we choose to exercise it or not, that is a personal decision. If the founding fathers had not had firearms, they would not have been able to fight for their freedoms. With our national guard deployed overseas, we are more exposed today than ever before. The local national guard unit in my town does not have anyone left to even turn on/off the lights anymore. :shock:
I have a police scanner and heard a call about a home invasion when I lived in Milwaukee. The first officer to respond took 5 minutes before he called dispatch to confirm the address. Then another 5-7 mintues went by before he called back and said nothing was going on. Turns out he had the wrong apartment building! 2 minutes later they sent the call out for an ambulance. Personally, if I have a chance, I want to be prepared to defend my family for about 3 minutes (estimated time for police to arrive from the first 911 call) I truly hope and pray that I will never be in that situation, but I'd rather be prepared for it an not have it happen than the alternative.
My kids have been taught to not touch guns. I give them tests by handing them a rifle and telling them to put it away. They are not to even touch it! Yeah, I'm a mean Dad. But I take them hunting with me and we fire bows, airguns, and a 22 during the day The older ones have learned just about all the safety rules. They are much better than I was at that age. I showed them just the damage a gun could do (38 hollowpoint into a sealed soda can - makes a BIG mess) and I think the message got across.
I have many more opinions, but maybe we should start an "Arguements" section of tinboats, where we can say what you want and are not allowed to be offended by what anyone else says :lol:
Please don't take offense. I was just sharing a new toy. I agree that no 12 year old should own this gun or use it without immediate adult supervision. But I beleive that with most guns exept maybe the Red Ryder.