I have a question about the Truck bed kit. The picture below...Does he have 3 strips of LED's Or just the two that come standard in the kit? Where did he or you recommend to mount the switch? Will the LED's work without the key in the ignition?

russ010 said:My guess is there are 3 LED bars... but I could be wrong.
I would put the switch up in the cab, direct wired to the battery so you wouldn't have to have the ignition on. You can run the wires down one of the inside corners of the truck bed, there is usually a drain hole there, or you can make your own. You can run that wire underneath the cab, and come inside the cab through the boot where the steering wheel comes in... shouldn't be anything but a rubber boot to come through. then mount your switch anywhere you like - in the dash, above the parking brake (if it's on the left side at the floor) or just about anywhere...
It's easy to do, just a little time consuming