Monark Boat and Trailer- Complete Conversion

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Jul 29, 2014
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Houston, TX

I found this site about 3 years ago when I was in Afghanistan (3 tours overseas) and trying to get some ideas on what I was going to do with my boat- whenever that was and whatever it was. I've kept up with different builds, mods, ect. and have have spent hours and hours reading and trying to learn from all your projects and builds. Thank you already for everything you've taught me here and the wonderful ideas you've helped me come up with from all the knowledge here.

It's taken a little longer than I have hoped (got married, had a kid, went back to the sandbox, got out of the Army, found a job, ect) and I'm sure you know the drill, but the time has come for me to start a complete conversion of a boat and trailer. Up front... I am going to be asking for help, ideas, TTPs (tactics, techniques and procedures) to get something great and something my son and I will be able to enjoy when he gets a little older (currently 10 mos. old). He probably won't remember me building the thing, or putting it all together but he will remember catching his first catfish and shooting his first duck out it- and he'll remember those things for life! I'm trying to put something together for him that we'll be able to enjoy for years, before 'doing stuff with Dad' isn't cool anymore.

A long story, and a turn of unfortunate events have finally brought me here. My wife's father passed away on July 4th of this year, so we're in the process of taking care of all that. He had an aluminum boat sitting in his driveway that needed something to be done with it, so I agreed to buy it to help cover some of the initial costs (like I said... long story) AND we'll have something that was his to enjoy for years to come. So, I'll be going to Austin (we live in Houston) to pick it up in the next couple of weeks and get started on the re-build/mod.

In my head, I have about an 80% solution on the things I want to do and what I'd like to do with it. However, there are some things I can think of right now that I know I'm going to need help on- we'll get to those later... I am a big duck hunter and I need something to help get a buddy, the dog, and me out to a duck blind AND hunt out of it on occasion... I'm going to paint the boat using a 'Shadow Grass' stencil and 'Shadow Grass' carpet (trailer as well), deck the front/back/bottom, add trolling motor, side storage for guns/rods, and other various electrical components/capabilities. I'll post some diagrams to show some of the concepts and capabilities I'm trying to capture with everything.

I'm going to thank all you guys up front for all the help and all the tips you've already given me as well as ones you are going to give me to get through this project. It might take me a little while (hopefully only a few months as duck season starts in NOV) but I'll be diligent about posting pictures and progress if you guys can help me out with it.

Again, thanks so much in advance and I look forward to sharing the project with all you guys.



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That'll be a great boat once it is done. Trailer looks to be in good shape, and so does the boat. I look forward to seeing some progress on it!
If you get pushed for time, Cabelas (I think) has in expensive burlap camo in (?6x12'? maybe), throws, and it helps to remember that while we humans luvs us our camo detail, the ducks, eh...not so much. Just don't be conspicuous or flashy, or MOVE, and they're ok with us, mostly.

Gonna be great. Thanks for your service, congrats on the wife/son, job, etc, and nice watercraft.

check the bearings :)
Guys, should be going to get the boat next weekend and I'll be sure to post pictures when I get it back home.
I'll be greasing the bearing and replacing the tires to get it from Austin to Houston in one piece. When I get it back I'll be adding some electrical diagrams and some diagrams for the floor plan.

I'll get the trailer completed and finished before I start the boat build. I'm planning on doing an all aluminum frame and still deciding on what to put over the top- marine plywood or aluminum.

We're looking forward to getting this underway!

Kismet- from my days in the Army I acquired some camo netting and we have a bunch of 'killer weed' grass we'll be putting on for the blind. I need to look at some options for the blind for when we actually want to hunt out of the boat. I'll start looking at some ideas.

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