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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Apr 5, 2009
Reaction score
Minneapolis, Minnesota
I have been messaging Jim re my account and have request all my posts be deleted. I have closed my wretched Photobucket account because I refuse to pay the ransom to keep their third party hosting service (what else do they have to offer anyway?) so all the photo's linked to my posts here are already unavailable. Photobucket wasn't great from the start but once I began to post pics I just continued to invest as PB went from bad to worse - in for a dime, in for a dollar as they say...

I'm sorry to have become a complainer as I have been ragging about this on another post. I guess it's a sign of my disappointment in myself for not being more careful in the ways I use the internet. I don't know what I will do going forward but as for the PB deal, well, it's a done deal. In case it might be of some interest to anyone here, the following is my latest correspondence with Jim:

"I have closed my Photobucket account so there are no longer any photo's for my posts - as the links didn't work anymore anyway, Photobucket already rendered my posts with pics useless. All that remains is to have my posts on tinboats removed.

It must be hard to start from a couple of guys to grow a site like this. Image hosting probably takes a lot of storage capacity and costs a lot of money. For any upstart site this would most likely be prohibitive. Downside of course is you can't anticipate a site like Photobucket becoming greedy and holding the pics hostage. Not maintaining control of image hosting runs the risk of just something like this happening.

In my case there were three threads of three builds that I had documented thoroughly plus many dozens of other posts in response to member's questions and problems. It's a shame to have all that time and as you say history come to nothing. This is not really a new experience for me and one of the more unsavory aspects of our WWW "utopia".

The idea of a democratic internet is a load of crap. It's about money, just like in the real world. In my professional life I experienced multiple cases of electronic information being lost to financial considerations. I documented projects with drawings and other materials only to have the archive become useless because the operating system changed so it no longer supported software or to have companies go out of business leaving me with no possibility of upgrading and remaining current. I have lost literally hundreds of drawings and other documents because of this.

In our effort to become a so-called "paperless" society we have trusted that our electronic activity could and would be always available. Not so. I used to make drawings and document data on paper. It took longer, was harder to reproduce and share but in the end still exists. I traded that for all the alleged conveniences and benefits the internet might provide only to have the greed of a site like Photobucket make it come to nothing. The internet makes a great forum like tinboats possible but the dependence on a third party hosting site runs the risk of gutting so much of the history the site represents. For the hell of it I just checked, my three build threads mentioned above as of this morning had 69,220 views. It's possible something was shared or learned along the way. That could never have happened without the internet but in the end can't continue because of the internet. I am extremely disappointed and more than a little pissed at Photobucket's greed and my own trust in their services. Lesson learned.
oh BB - if you consider yourself a complainer, then the club is growing DAILY !!
I just found out this morning that the sign painters site I belong to will no longer accept
photos from PB (you have to post the URL for a photo) ..... several nasty posts there also.
so there is a world wide migration to the South, so to speak.

you are NOT alone my friend !! ](*,)


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