Nelli's 16' Mod V Duck Boat

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B.E. Nelli

Active member
Mar 2, 2014
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Hey guys, pretty new to the tinboats scene. Bought an 89' Landau with 40 horse Johnson last Nov, but have been deployed too much to really work on it much. Finally got the motor off and on sawhorses to paint. My plans are to get the exterior painted and camoed up. I am going to recarpet my trailer bunks and slap a quick paint job on it before putting the boat back on. Once the exterior is done, I will finish my interior layout with a little aluminum work. Paint everything inside except the floor. Wire up all my lighting, bilge, trolling motor, etc. Install my 1/8 inch aluminum floor, covered with hydroturf. Mount the motor back on and paint it. Rig up a way to mount my 4 rigid spots up front and as well as my trolling motor. Figure out the seating, and a few other minor things. I'm sure it will change along the way, but that's my plan right now.

Please give me any feedback or helpful tips you guys might have. I'm new to all this aluminum boat stuff. I grew up on an old fiberglass champion as boat. Thanks

There wasn't very much paint on the hull but it definitely was a little corroded and very dirty in places.
We wire wheeled the whole thing and really got her shiny.

Gave her a few good rinses with water and a few days later put 2 coats of self etching primer on and let that bake for a day.


Today I started out rolling on some Parkers duck boat paint in dead grass. I wasn't liking how slow it was, or the thickness of the coats. So I bit the bullet and got a Wagner PP and holy cow. The time it took me to roll 4 sq feet that looked like crap, I finished the whole exterior and it looks professional. Literally 15 min tops, and I didn't have to thin the paint at all. Very worthy investment. Next step is to start the camo stencils, which will be pretty time consuming, but I have a pretty good idea of the look I'm going for. I received some camo stencils from ambush stencils a few days ago, and I think they will work perfectly. I will update with more soon.

Made some more progress on the camo today. Its turning out better than I thought actually.
Black bark, just have to add the grass now and she will be done....on ONE side. I wanted to see what it'd look like completely done before I did the whole boat.

And finally, the grass is the last layer. I think she will fool some greenheads on the river.

I started to figure the grass stencil out about halfway up the side. You can seenit change closer to the bow.
[url= said:
B.E. Nelli » 12 Jul 2014, 15:01[/url]"]Hey guys, pretty new to the tinboats scene. Bought an 89' Landau with 40 horse Johnson last Nov, but have been deployed too much to really work on it much. Finally got the motor off and on sawhorses to paint. My plans are to get the exterior painted and camoed up. I am going to recarpet my trailer bunks and slap a quick paint job on it before putting the boat back on. Once the exterior is done, I will finish my interior layout with a little aluminum work. Paint everything inside except the floor. Wire up all my lighting, bilge, trolling motor, etc. Install my 1/8 inch aluminum floor, covered with hydroturf. Mount the motor back on and paint it. Rig up a way to mount my 4 rigid spots up front and as well as my trolling motor. Figure out the seating, and a few other minor things. I'm sure it will change along the way, but that's my plan right now.

Please give me any feedback or helpful tips you guys might have. I'm new to all this aluminum boat stuff. I grew up on an old fiberglass champion as boat. Thanks

There wasn't very much paint on the hull but it definitely was a little corroded and very dirty in places.
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We wire wheeled the whole thing and really got her shiny.

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Gave her a few good rinses with water and a few days later put 2 coats of self etching primer on and let that bake for a day.

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Today I started out rolling on some Parkers duck boat paint in dead grass. I wasn't liking how slow it was, or the thickness of the coats. So I bit the bullet and got a Wagner PP and holy cow. The time it took me to roll 4 sq feet that looked like crap, I finished the whole exterior and it looks professional. Literally 15 min tops, and I didn't have to thin the paint at all. Very worthy investment. Next step is to start the camo stencils, which will be pretty time consuming, but I have a pretty good idea of the look I'm going for. I received some camo stencils from ambush stencils a few days ago, and I think they will work perfectly. I will update with more soon.


First off thanks for your service. looks good i was hoping to do the same to my alumacraft last jan - april but like you got called on to my only hope is to get home in time for a few times out before the weather changes. no paint this fall or i wont get to put it on the water till late in the season.
Yeah I hear ya man. Deployments really get in the way of everything else is rather be doing. I'm back in the desert as I type this actually. Luckily its only a week long trip.

Its hard for me to do work on it when I want to be fishing in it. But I'd rather have it completely done before duck season. So I'm gonna grind it out until then.

What do you do?
[url= said:
B.E. Nelli » Today, 12:14[/url]"]Yeah I hear ya man. Deployments really get in the way of everything else is rather be doing. I'm back in the desert as I type this actually. Luckily its only a week long trip.

Its hard for me to do work on it when I want to be fishing in it. But I'd rather have it completely done before duck season. So I'm gonna grind it out until then.

What do you do?

I do stealth coatings on the f22. It makes painting very easy for me. What do you do? I was in kadena last spring missed spawn. I also dabbled in waterfowl last year so I think it may have me hooked.
joseph101088 said:
[url= said:
B.E. Nelli » Today, 12:14[/url]"]Yeah I hear ya man. Deployments really get in the way of everything else is rather be doing. I'm back in the desert as I type this actually. Luckily its only a week long trip.

Its hard for me to do work on it when I want to be fishing in it. But I'd rather have it completely done before duck season. So I'm gonna grind it out until then.

What do you do?

I do stealth coatings on the f22. It makes painting very easy for me. What do you do? I was in kadena last spring missed spawn. I also dabbled in waterfowl last year so I think it may have me hooked.

Oh nice, I am about to takeoff in 2 hrs for Kadena actually. I fly an RC 135. I'm sure you saw them out there.

Yeah, I love bass fishing too, but I will warn you now, waterfowling is SO much more addictive. Haha
well im pretty much hooked. It is a safe way for my oldest to learn the basics without other people on public land. Safe travels and enjoy kadena while you can its a great island.

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