New AlumaCraft MV1448 need flooring ideas

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Jan 30, 2016
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Spring Hill,Florida
Just purchased an AlumaCraft MV1448.

Will have three persons on board, My wife, son and myself.
I wanted to install flooring to prevent ankle twisting and stumbling of my handicapped son, more of a mental handicap than a physical issues. He will be sitting on the middle bench seat. Forward of this bench seat is a compound curved issues on the floor, hope you can picture what I am talking about, forward of the bench seat and before the front deck.

What are some ideas I could use to conceal the bottom ribs, I was thinking 1/2 ply mounted directly on the ribs, with screws. Will 1/2" plywood take the twists and bends that are located up in the front of the middle bench seat area?

What about laminating two 1/4" plywood on top of each other, installing one first (easier to twist and bend then gluing then second 1/4" sheet on top of the first. I have ideas on how to remove the first sheet from the ribs after laminating the second sheet on top.
I just need to be able to form the plywood to shape of the ribs.

I don't want to make the floor flat across, want to follow the inside form of the boat hull.

I am already aware of waterproofing the ply and am planning on carpet as well.


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There is a type of plywood called bendable plywood. I don't know anything about it.
Other than that you can rivet aluminum angle over the ribs to create a flat floor.
1/2" plywood should be fine. Stay away from pressure treated ( bad reaction with aluminum) I think your looking for BCX. If your just wanting to follow the angle of the floor then measure and cut each piece as half the floor area and secure down with a small seam in the middle. I would also add pink sheet foam the big box hardware stores under your floor sections just as a notice reducer.
I have the exact boat as you.

I have wood in the back which is flat and covers the ribs nicely.

In the front section I put two 1/4" pieces that meet in the middle which still allows me to follow the contour of the boat - I carpeted them and it is very stable and easy to walk on.

I also have rails on the sides which are custom and I highly recommend them if you are moving around the boat with children etc. It is the best part of the boat in my opinion. Many times fishing you are moving around and helping others land a fish and you can lean on them.

I will post some old pictures if I have any that should give you some ideas.

I like the side rails, pretty cool.

I am stuck with thinking on adding a front seat to the front deck area, I see you have a similar mounting base that is sitting in my shop. Been trying to figure out how to mount it. How did you mount yours? did you add a plywood support under the front deck? Mine is just aluminum deck, nothing underneath it. How would access underneath the deck to add a plywood support plate and use bolts/nuts? cut a hole in the front of the deck?

Q: On the front section, did you install any foam underneath the 1/4" plywood?

Q: How did you attach the 1/4" plywood to the ribs? rivets, SS screws?

Q: In the rear bench seat floor area, did you use the same 1/4" plywood for the floors as well?single piece or like the front area, two 1/4" plywood meeting at the center?

Been trying to figure out how to add some storage and seating arrangements, trying to build up the courage to cut into my bench seats for storage compartments but am looking for ideas before doing so.

Thanks for your input.


Just north of you,
Spring Hill, Florida
1/8" aluminum plate. It's lighter but costs just a little more and you will never have to replace it! Just make sure to put foam underneath to quiet it down. Works great in my boat!!
I like the side rails, pretty cool.

I am stuck with thinking on adding a front seat to the front deck area, I see you have a similar mounting base that is sitting in my shop. Been trying to figure out how to mount it. How did you mount yours? did you add a plywood support under the front deck? Mine is just aluminum deck, nothing underneath it. How would access underneath the deck to add a plywood support plate and use bolts/nuts? cut a hole in the front of the deck?

I purchased the boat from a guy in Lutz, FL who already had the seat bases installed. I myself wanted to cut an opening into the front deck for more storage - I found there was wood installed under the deck with SS screws. I added foam in strips and covered it with a thin layer of carpeted wood.

Q: On the front section, did you install any foam underneath the 1/4" plywood?

Yes foam was added between the ribs.

Q: How did you attach the 1/4" plywood to the ribs? rivets, SS screws?

SS screws into the ribs. The floor has been redone in the exact same fashion as seen on the original pictures but is brand new now and the wood was coated myself instead of treated wood.

Q: In the rear bench seat floor area, did you use the same 1/4" plywood for the floors as well?single piece or like the front area, two 1/4" plywood meeting at the center?

Same exact wood set up as the front. Two pieces meeting together and used SS screws - I think it was 3" but I have to check again. Fits perfectly - I have it like this because of the console. I can take out one of the wood pieces to retrieve anything or fix the foam etc without having to remove the console.

Been trying to figure out how to add some storage and seating arrangements, trying to build up the courage to cut into my bench seats for storage compartments but am looking for ideas before doing so.

Yup the middle bench storage is not quite enough but for a 1448 you really shouldn't be traveling with a whole load full. That is why I added the foam under the wood floors and also added foam under the front deck when I cut it open for storage. I keep the life vests in the middle with a small cooler. Two batteries in the back (one for trolling motor - one for the main motor/depth finder) - and the gas tank in between the last bench and middle bench.

If you want to check out anything I have done in person let me know as you are not very far from me. I know I looked around for a while before deciding because I was deathly afraid of cutting into my boat.

Thanks for your input.


Just north of you,
Spring Hill, Florida

I for some reason do not have many on this computer and can get more if you would like of specific things just let me know. The only other one I have is below.


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