New Buyer - Beam considerations?

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Mar 7, 2025
Reaction score
North Augusta, SC
So I have been hunting for a Jon Boat for myself and family. I fish mainly smaller bodies of water, but possibly larger lakes like Clark's Hill in SC/GA. Realistically, probably 3 max fishing from it, but I will be doing a bit of solo too. Wouldnt mind being able to carry 4 persons for just fun, but I digress.

In looking at Jons, I dont want to under buy or over buy. I am looking at the new 15' tracker that has a 42" bottom. Also looking at a G3 1648LW that has a 70" beam. One seems too small, but the 70" beam seems to large. Sort of a Goldilocks moment I suppose.

Im on a self imposed budget, 12k is my absolute limit and I'd love to spend less. I just cant justify spending a ton of money on this. Ive searched for used, but have had zero luck. Will need to finance whatever I purchase.

Id like some feedback on the beam consideration.
Welcome to TinBoats!

Out of the two, the G3 is your better option. It will handle three people and four, if within capacity. The Tracker is a 2 person boat that I wouldn't want to squeeze three adults in.

The 70" beam is common for a 1648. Nothing to worry about there. The beam is measued across the top of the rails at its widest point, and does make it sound like it is bigger than needed. It is better to go by the floor width, which in this case is 48".

In general, look for 1648 jon or something slightly larger, like a 1752. Hopefully you can find a good used one. Many people buy boats that are on the "small" side of their needs, and end up getting a larger one. It's called 2' itis. :D Very few people buy a boat that is too big for their needs, and want to downsize. ;)
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Are the 3 to 4 people adults or kids?
2 and 2 most likely 2 adults and 1 child would be the norm.
Welcome to TinBoats!

Out of the two, the G3 is your better option. It will handle three people and four, if within capacity. The Tracker is a 2 person boat that I wouldn't want to squeeze three adults in.

The 70" beam is common for a 1648. Nothing to worry about there. The beam is measued across the top of the rails at its widest point, and does make it sound like it is bigger than needed. It is better to go by the floor width, which in this case is 48".

In general, look for 1648 jon or something slightly larger, like a 1752. Hopefully you can find a good used one. Many people buy boats that are on the "small" side of their needs, and end up getting a larger one. It's called 2' itis. :D Very few people buy a boat that is too big for their needs, and want to downsize. ;)
Thank you for making sense out of this. There is a crap ton of the 1436s listed.
Widen your search area, don't be afraid to take a weekend trip to scout out used boats for sale. My last used buy ( 3 yrs back) was over 200 miles away and over three months of searching. Rare for folks to sell nice used boats, so you need to be ready when one comes along.
I would also opt for the 1648 minimum, when you get everything onboard that you will need you can run out of room fast!
Two of us fished out of a 1448, it was a great boat for 2 people but would have been pretty crowded with a 3'rd person.
Those 1436's are nice "LITTLE" boats and have their place, don't forget. the wider the bottom, the more stable the boat, that 12" of extra bottom means a lot as for stability.

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