As my handle points out, my name is Dave and I'm in Texas. I've boated and fished all my life and actually grew up in
Michigan and moved to Texas in 1978. In my youth I was always on the water whenever I got the chance and spent most of
my time on Lake St. Clair.
I never owned a boat during those days, but was fortunate to have family and friends who always seemed glad to have a capable set of eyes, ears and hands on board!
My son Matt and I just recently split the cost ($212.50 each) for an '03 Alumacraft model #1232 AND I'M FINALLY A BOAT OWNER!
We threw it into the bed of Matt's truck to get it home and to make a little trip out to the local boat ramp a couple of days
later, to make a check for leaking weld seams or rivet heads. Matt attempted to row a boat for the first time that day, I don't
seem to remember that I struggled as badly with my first attempt, but I probably did...
The boat is in great shape as the original owner had it in the water only three times and never mounted any motorized propulsion of any kind on it. All he did was mount some oars on it!!!
I have been using the search feature in this forum to read up on some of the posts y'all have regarding our particular model
boat AND found there to be just a handful of posts. This indicates to me that our model is not one of the more popular ones,
but I have to keep reminding myself it's a low cost beginning, not the last boat I will ever own. a great many of the posts
seem to indicate quite a few of you started out with smaller crafts than you now own.
I stumbled on the *****HOW MUCH FOAM DO I NEED***** thread (thanks Founder Jim) that I found to be an interesting read.
My thoughts after going over the several page thread is that Matt & I WILL NOT be opening the seat cavities and taking
out any of the original foam in order to increase internal storage. IMHO this would lead to problems when we eventually trade-in or sell the craft. Nope, don't want to go there...
The new trailer section will be my favorite haunt until we get ours designed, built and all the other steps & procedures completed, Oh CRAP! I just now realized I have not considered the time and cash involved in registering with the DMV
and the insurance company...
I'm really looking forward to spending time with my son. To my delight, he has now entered that phase in his life where he's realized his father has many valuable skills to pass down. He now seeks my advice, instead of just tolerating it :wink:
I must warn you all I'm a long winded old cuss, but thanks for your time if you've read this far and I look forward to boring
y'all with more questions and requests for sage advice. Dave