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Hello Tinboats. Im from Bowling Green Kentucky and I just joined the forum yesterday. Im currently fishing out of a 1232 but Im in the market for something a little bigger. I have a post on that subject if anyone wants to help a good fella out. Wanna share a little about myself. Im 27 and fishing is my 1st love when it comes to having the time and funds to go. Ive done body work/collision repair for 7 years. Id be more then happy to help people on refinishing or painting that old olive dab jon thats been sitting in the weeds for the last 10 years if anyone needs advice. LOL Ive read alot of cool stuff on this site and couldnt stand it that I wasnt on here puttin my two cents in and asking guys for their opinions. Hope to meet alot of people and make some new friends. God bless
Hello to everyone! I just joined! Hoping I fit in with my modded johnboat. It's a 2011 tracker 175. But it is aluminum. I fish just about every spare minute I get. Thanks guys!
Hi All Laurie here

New to the forum live in Sydney Australia we have great waterways everywhere around us.

Had many boats over many years and now the family has grown up I have downsized to a 14' a 12' and 11 :oops: along with 8 outboards :oops: :oops:

Gee you yanks have it good with the selection of boats and motors what you pay for a $3000 boat motor and trailer we pay $7000 and have very little to chose from.
Hello everyone, Ive been lurking for awhile,mostly on the jet forum but I finally signed up, I live in NE Arkansas I enjoy fishing the Black, Spring and St.Francis rivers for bass, crappie and catfish. I run a 1548 G3 with a 40/28 Johnson jet. I cant wait for the weather to clear a bit and get back on the rivers. Great site,enjoy the info and pics.
Hello everyone I'm new to this site been lurking around here for a bit and decided to join. I picked up a 14 ft aluminum shallow v and a 12 ft shallow v and have been looking on here for ideas to customize it. I learned quite a bit by checking at some of the members on here builds. Im from upstate NY and a avid fisherman. just wanted to say hello and introduce myself :)
Hello everyone. I have been a lurking member of TinBoats for a while now. I am starting on my boat mod so I figured it was time to introduce myself.

My name is Brian. I bought my 1st boat last year after spending months on Craigslist. I scored a 14' Sears Gamefisher with trailer and 55lb thrust trolling motor and batteries. I looked at some real garbage. One boat I looked at that was local, 12', had a multitude of repairs on the bottom and it was sealed with Flexseal, that black spraycan stuff on TV. The trailer was so rusted that the lugnuts were peeling off in layers. I twisted my fingers around one of the lugnuts and it became round. I passed on that one. The guy was practically begging me to make him an offer as I was walking away. Then I was going to drive 3 hours to pick up a 12' boat, motor, trailer combo. 2 days before I was going to get it a local guy responded to a text message from 2 weeks earlier. This was a really nice 14 footer. I was a bit bigger which would allow my to take my kids with me and have a bit more room. 1 hour later I was on the way home with my 1st boat in tow.

I took the boat out once last year. I had fun but knew right away things could go better. This is my 1st boat and 1st time on a small boat. The biggest issue was that all the weight was in the back. Me, at 180, 2 deep cycle Group 29 batteries and trolling motor. To say the bow was a bit high would be an understatement. The wind would catch the bow and start spinning me around. I think I spent more time trying to keep the boat straight than fishing. There has to be a better way. The batteries must move forward to start. I also have to get a flat floor in there, tripping over the supports was just an accident waiting to happen, especially with the 2 little ones. I put off doing anything for a while for 2 reasons. The boat is in new condition and I did not want to ruin it. Secondly, the boat and trailer takes up most of the garage and there is no room to work in there. This winter has hampered my outdoor woodworking plans, LOL.

Yesterday was the day. I threw caution to the wind and took out the middle bench seat. Drilled out the rivets and there is no turning back for me now. I drove to Lowes and picked up some lumber. I have the floor joists for the middle section completed.

I plan on starting a thread documenting my boat mod.
Greetings and Salutations everyone.

I just joined this site after discovering it a few weeks ago. I like what I've seen here and think I've found a place to talk about an old boat I have. When my father died in 1998 I inherited an 1970s 12' Ouachita Jon boat. I've got a 1970's era Johnson motor for it, too. They've both been sitting in different states of disrepair and storage since then. I've been wanting to fix it up for a long time but haven't had the right motivation or support system to go to when I have questions. So I hope that once the time comes when I can move out of an apartment and back into a house I'll have the space to work on it.

I figure there will be a lot of sanding and painting, but it looks like there are a lot of people on here who've done some cool restorations. It also looks like there is some good motor info on this forum as well.

A little about me....I live in Spring, TX a suburb on the North side of Houston. I work for a retail sporting goods company. Love saltwater fishing, but will cast a plastic worm if the opportunity presents itself.

Looking forward to getting some good advice and hope I don't ask too many newbie questions.
New here, with my first boat. Not sure on the make, but it is in good shape. Got boat, trailer and bow mount trolling motor for $400. Stripped the interior, get ready to deck it in.
Found this forum and love it, lots of ideas!


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Howdy! My name is Jim and I live in central Oregon about about 20 min. from Bend. It is a natural wonderland here in the high desert. Although the number one outdoor activity is golf ,with what I would assume to be a close second is snow skiing.
We have dozens of great places to fish with trout fishing being the favorite for many. Fly fishing being the most popular. The bass fishing is pretty good and we that fish for them are I would say a bit " looked down apron". Which is alright with me! From my place from one half to one and one half hour there are 50 plus places to fish, with a certain degree of success. The John Day river is about an 1 1/2 hour and is , as they say, one of the best small mouth bass fishing rivers in the world. 50 to 100 fish days are not uncommon.
I'm in my mid sixties and am semi retired. So I try to fish as often as I can, two or three days a week when the weather is good. Last fall I bought a 16' Spectrum V hull with a 40 hp Merc. I have some small modifications I want to do and when I dig it out in a month or so I'll post some pics and she what you all think. Love this site and all the helpful advice.
Hey Guys! My name is Tyler, I am from SW Michigan. I just discovered the site, but wish I would have a long time ago!
This is my current boat:

This boat is special to me as it has been in the family a long time. It was purchased new by my Great-Grandfather, and then owned by my Grandfather for many years until my brother got it from him, and then I bought it from my brother. I use this boat all over southwest Michigan. I fish several different lakes regularly, but my real passion is steelhead fishing the rivers. As with most people, this boat is a constant work in progress. I did a respray on the outside last year with all new decals. This year I am working on some mods to the inside. I love the site so far, I've already came across some great advice. :D
Hello guys, new member from Orlando, FL here. Bought a 12 footer last summer which I've been working on. It had leaks which I sealed up, pressure washed it real good and gave it a paint job. It's got a trolling motor for lake fishing but I'm now ready to upgrade to a 6hp outboard. Now I'm just looking for info about which models to choose from. This is a really good forum with lots of info. I hope to learn a lot here.

Hi guys, Ken from SE Mass. Picked up a 12' jon boat last year and have been modifying it in between fishing in it, also have a kayak I use from time to time. First time really posting on here, but have gained a lot of knowledge just sitting the sidelines and reading!
Oops. I didn't see this thread, so I posted a thread called New Tinman in the BOAT HOUSE section of the Boat forum two days ago, and already got some good advice. That post explains the new-to-me "tin" boat I'm buying and Pool 4, where I plan to use it. I'm from southeast Minnesota and spend a lot of time on and around the Mississippi River, about 50 miles away. I may be the only one on this forum who doesn't fish; but, I still like being on the water - especially in the simplest of boats.


In addition to members' advice, I really appreciate how quick this site is to navigate. It really snaps!

Hi guys. I've been watching the site for a while now and I'm not sure why it took so long to register. I live in az and fish all over. I spend the spring fishing for large and smallmouth and the summer up in the mountains fishing for rainbows. I'm a John Deere AG field mechanic. When I have time I spend time hunting, fishing, and speding time with family and friends. I just bought a 2008 Lowe 1467wt last spring because I was tired of sitting with my knees in my ears on my dad and Grandpas old Lowe shallow v. This boat is made with a raised floor, a small storage box, and a small live well
Still debating on how to make more storage on the boat with some clean electrical. I'm pretty excited to see more custom builds.
Hi folks, my name is David and I have a fishing problem.

Live in central Alabama, about 3 minutes from Lay lake. Just bought my first flat bottom, 2010 Tracker Topper 1542 with a Tohatsu 25 and 50# TM. Found this site looking for ideas on set up. Looks like a great bunch of guys around here.

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