Permission to come aboard!
Hello and good afternoon. I'm 28 from central New Hampshire. Been fishing all my life, or at least as far back as I can remember. Both fresh and salt water but I favor fresh a lot more. Unfortunately one of the reasons that brings me here is my step-dad has recently lost his battle with cancer. One of the commonalities he and I shared was our love of fishing. After his passing I inherited one of his older projects, (Bass Tracker). It had been sitting in the field behind his house for quite a while and is going to need some serious TLC. So far all I have been able to ascertain is that I believe it to be a 79 (or so the number markings on the HIM indicate). I recently read through Huntingbronco's descriptive post about the rebuild project of his 79 tracker and it looks beautiful. I'm hoping I can refinish my new boat in similar fashion and do my step-dad proud. While I have several years of fishing experience I know I still have much to learn and this will be my first experience as my own skipper. Thanks for all the help so far and what I am sure is to come.
p.s. any ideas on the "model" of my boat? like I said all I know so far is it's a 79
Hello and good afternoon. I'm 28 from central New Hampshire. Been fishing all my life, or at least as far back as I can remember. Both fresh and salt water but I favor fresh a lot more. Unfortunately one of the reasons that brings me here is my step-dad has recently lost his battle with cancer. One of the commonalities he and I shared was our love of fishing. After his passing I inherited one of his older projects, (Bass Tracker). It had been sitting in the field behind his house for quite a while and is going to need some serious TLC. So far all I have been able to ascertain is that I believe it to be a 79 (or so the number markings on the HIM indicate). I recently read through Huntingbronco's descriptive post about the rebuild project of his 79 tracker and it looks beautiful. I'm hoping I can refinish my new boat in similar fashion and do my step-dad proud. While I have several years of fishing experience I know I still have much to learn and this will be my first experience as my own skipper. Thanks for all the help so far and what I am sure is to come.
p.s. any ideas on the "model" of my boat? like I said all I know so far is it's a 79