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Wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself.
Santeerangerman's my member name, but most folks know me as Randy.
As you can guess, Santee Cooper is my home lake(s), and I also own a 08' Ranger 519VX.
My "tin boat" is a 1997 War Eagle 542FLD, with a 92' Johnson 25 tiller, manual start, that really doesn't see much use anymore.

So why would a "jonboat" website like this be of any interest to someone who spend most of his time in a bassboat??
Well, long story short is, I spent most of the spring, and a good portion of the summer as boatless bank trash!!!
Hit something running 65+ in the Ranger, and destroyed the LU. Boat was laid up waiting on insurance claims, replacement parts, and a overwhelmed dealership. No problem, I got the war eagle!!! Well, years of neglect simply from non use, the War Eagle was in no way ready for the water.
I swore this wouldn't happen again. So, my project for the upcoming winter is to completely gut the war eagle, repaint, rewire, new floor, carpet, trolling motor, electronics. Engine will be converted to electric start, and I also plan to add a CMC PT-35.

JUST in the planning stage right now, but I've already found TONS of info, ideas on how to go about the rebuild of the War Eagle.
I'm actually pretty excited to get it started, and plan to post some pics as I go along.

Thanks for a REALLY good website!!! Looking forward to picking ya'lls brains as I get stuck!!
Hey all here I am :D
I'm here in North East Oklahoma the Tulsa Area. I do a lot of jug fishing so I can take my 92 year young step dad with me. :roll: It's something he can do with help. I just completed a rebuild on a 1542 Topper From Bass Pro and will get the pictures on soon. I had it out for the first time after the mods yesterday and I'm not too happy with it. I've lost speed. #-o So I'll be removing some of the wood that I put in it. the step dad wanted more flat deck area so I tried. Not going to work out. I also just received a CMC power tilt for it today via the brown van. :lol: I will be getting that on soon also. It may be a bit of a challenge though. I got s super good deal on a long shaft 20 hp 4 stroke Merc for this boat so I have a jack plate on the transom to lift it into the right place. I'm not sure if I want to mount the tilt to the jack plate or just mount it higher on the transom. :?: :shock: The folks at CMC say either way will work. I guess I'll pick one and try it. If I don't like it I can change it. :wink:
So here we are on the hottest day of the year so far. Guess I'll head out and check the jugs we put out last night. See ya on the river.
I'm easy to spot just look for the short fat long haired tattooed guy and that'll be me. 8)
Hello Jim and rest of the community,

I recently acquired a 1979 Mirrocraft Deep-V Fisherman with a 9.9 Jonson (unknown age, looks like '79 according to internet pics). Thanks to Tim Allen at Mirrocraft (I'm a bit of a lurker and thanks to you all) I was able to find out that it was a '79 according to the hull number. This boat was my father-in-law's when he was younger, my wife and her sister learned to fish on this boat when they were younger, and now our three children and their cousin are learning to fish on it. It is tremendously special to me because of the history involved and I intend to keep it as original as possible. I have seen the welcomes to the secret brotherhood of the Mirrocraft club and hope to make it in :D

Sincerely, your west coast eastern sierra lake trout fisherman (June Lake, CA, living in north county San Diego)


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[url= said:
Slowape » 04 Aug 2014, 22:43[/url]"]Hello Jim and rest of the community,

I recently acquired a 1979 Mirrocraft Deep-V Fisherman with a 9.9 Jonson (unknown age, looks like '79 according to internet pics). Thanks to Tim Allen at Mirrocraft (I'm a bit of a lurker and thanks to you all) I was able to find out that it was a '79 according to the hull number. This boat was my father-in-law's when he was younger, my wife and her sister learned to fish on this boat when they were younger, and now our three children and their cousin are learning to fish on it. It is tremendously special to me because of the history involved and I intend to keep it as original as possible. I have seen the welcomes to the secret brotherhood of the Mirrocraft club and hope to make it in :D

Sincerely, your west coast eastern sierra lake trout fisherman (June Lake, CA, living in north county San Diego)

BTW....It's not a long shaft as the picture indicates...its a 15" short shaft? I am completely naive when it comes to the boating community....its our first apologies for the ignorance of my education on the outboard.
Hi all. I'm an FNG and have been scanning the forum for ideas. I got myself 12 ft semi. Not sure of year, make or model. But it doesn't leak. Being a 12 footer I know I can't go overboard with the conversion but anyView attachment 1 and all ideas you could send my way would be great. Thank you and thanks for a great forum. Steven


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Hey I'm Dan and am already getting some great info on this site so thanks to all.

Just bought a 14ft Lund and am fixing it up a little.

My stomping grounds are the high mountain lakes in Utah fishing for trout.

Currently thinking of buying a 1985 Mercury 18XD motor so if any one can weigh in on this motor I would appreciate it.
Hello tin boat land! My name is Clay and I live in Central Oregon. Formerly lived in Northwest Oregon on the Columbia river. My main fishing and boating these days is on the Cascade lakes. I have always loved aluminum boats and have seldom been without one in the last 30 years. My first was a shallow tippy 12' mirrocraft. It was scary but got us to the fish. Then upgraded to a 12' starcraft. Then a 12' Valco, 15' Smokercraft, 13' factory custon Valco walk-through. I now have a 20' Grumman pontoon and just aquired a 12' Valco to restore and a 14' Gamefisher V with a trailer. I am thinking the 14' gamefisher will be my high lakes boat with a 81 7.5 Evinrude and a Minn-Kota 46lb Enduro. I will post pics of the Valco restore soon.
Hey Jim. Are you still on here? Clay here. I'm in La Pine South of Bend. If you fish bass you must fish Crane. I have a 20' pontoon for trout on Crane and East and just picked up a 14' Gamefisher to get back in the woods at Crane for bass. I have caught bass there but never targeted them. I would love to figure out how to catch bass there. Looks like classic bass water to me. Would like to try top waters in the evening or morning . See you on the lake!
[url= said:
jimsrtc » 09 Feb 2014, 10:26[/url]"]Howdy! My name is Jim and I live in central Oregon about about 20 min. from Bend. It is a natural wonderland here in the high desert. Although the number one outdoor activity is golf ,with what I would assume to be a close second is snow skiing.
We have dozens of great places to fish with trout fishing being the favorite for many. Fly fishing being the most popular. The bass fishing is pretty good and we that fish for them are I would say a bit " looked down apron". Which is alright with me! From my place from one half to one and one half hour there are 50 plus places to fish, with a certain degree of success. The John Day river is about an 1 1/2 hour and is , as they say, one of the best small mouth bass fishing rivers in the world. 50 to 100 fish days are not uncommon.
I'm in my mid sixties and am semi retired. So I try to fish as often as I can, two or three days a week when the weather is good. Last fall I bought a 16' Spectrum V hull with a 40 hp Merc. I have some small modifications I want to do and when I dig it out in a month or so I'll post some pics and she what you all think. Love this site and all the helpful advice.
[url= said:
scandagriff » August 14th, 2014, 4:11 pm[/url]"]Hi all. I'm an FNG and have been scanning the forum for ideas. I got myself 12 ft semi. Not sure of year, make or model. But it doesn't leak. Being a 12 footer I know I can't go overboard with the conversion but anyView attachment 1 and all ideas you could send my way would be great. Thank you and thanks for a great forum. Steven
That top photo look nearly identical to my 12' Semi V which turned out to be a Sears, roughly 1969 model. Your configuration is pretty much all identical to mine, especially the way the bench seats are laid out. Can't see it from this angle of view but what kind of Transom brace is on the inside? and does it have a drain hole or not?
Hello, first post on this board. My name is Curtis and while new to Tinboats I'm not new to forums. However, I am VERY new to boats. I bought my first real boat this weekend. A 1648 War Eagle with a 40hp mariner and MinnKota trolling motor. The boat is camo as I plan to use it a lot for duck hunting. I also plan to fish and just spend family days on the water.

As mentioned, I am very new to boats and will probably have a lot of questions, so please bare with me. I have scrolled through some of the posts prior to joining and this seems like a great place with lots of people willing to help. I will try to throw my $0.02 in where I can with what little I know so far.
Just wanted to say HI. My name is John, & I'm from the North Fork of Long Island N.Y. I currently fish a 16' lund that I bought new in '08, prior to this boat I had a 16' duranautic for 10yrs. The boats are striper fishing on Long Island sound from the end of may till mid Nov. The water in the sound is rarely flat, as a result the boats take a pounding, the lund seems to be holding up well, as it is on the water on average 60 to 70 days or nites a year, ( I'm retired). The boat is pushed by a 1996 30Hp. Evinrude electric start tiller motor that I have had since new, & has proven to be a workhourse.
Hello Fellow Tin Boaters. My name is Dave and I live/attempt to fish in Jacksonville Florida with my Beautiful wife of 16+ years and my three boys ages 6,14, and 17. Working on my first boat mod/upgrade now so I will start a thread on the build as soon as I get a chance.

Lots of great info and helpful people here so I'll add what I can. I have been working in High speed manufacturing maintenance for the last 20 years and there's not much I won't attempt to work on. I love building and fixing things in my shop and every now and again I'll try and wet a hook.
Hello fellow captains!! I'm Brandon. I live in northwest Iowa. I live literally 7 blocks from the river access ramp folfrom the Big Sioux River. Its a shallow Sandy river full of all kinds of fish. We mostly hunt for big cats. I love to do nothing but get on the river with my friends and their families and fish all day or sit on a sand bar and go for a dip. I have a 1986 Lowe big Jon 1648 that I recently blew up the 60 hp merc I was running.

Now I have bigger better plans to make it into a jet Jon beings my local waters are almost always shallow. My plan is to put a 165hp 4 cly 4 stroke turbo efi Honda power plant in the Jon. The jet ski was a 2005 Honda aquatrax f12-x. Now it is complete power plant laying on the floor.

Any help you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated. Check out my New thread and shoot the breeze about this great endevour. I have pics uploaded already of the project so far and will be uploading many more as the project gets going. Thanks and see ya there!!
new member - kevin from the Rochester,ny area
just picked up a 14' sea nymph w/8hp Johnson

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