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Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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The wacky west coast
The house behind my GF's house just sold. The new owner's and their family are redoing the whole backyard. Yesterday, I heard some lumber being cut and looked up and saw them cutting the top 12 inches off of the fence between the two properties! I approached them and told them that my GF paid for half of that fence and they should consult with her before modifying it. They said that they wanted a better view of the hillside.

BTW, the husband is a police officer of a nearby city. :D :shock: :lol: [-X :shock: :shock: :shock:
Loggerhead Mike said:
Who's side of the line is it on?

The fence is actually partly on their side of the property line as it is a hillside and the roads are curvy. The fence was erected about four or five owners ago. If they have the property surveyed and decide to do whatever they want with the fence, we'll just look up city codes and erect our own chain link fence to the maximum height allowable. One big drawback of moving the fence will be that they will now have a utility pole about 15 feet inside of the property instead of near the fence.

The fence is also stained but they are painting their side white. They were painting the top of the cedar boards with white primer and it was just running down the other side and looks like bird crap! I brought that up with them yesterday and got the old sorry routine.

One more thing comes to mind, LARGE TREES!
First thing I thaught of was fast growing tall hedges :LOL2:

Atleast they arnt comming over to drink all your beer like my trashy neighbor trys to do

We had a neighbor cut abunch of pines down to get a better view of the mtns. Somehow they accidently angled them all to fall on our side, then had the nerve to out no tresspassing signs down the line facing us :LOL2:
Loggerhead Mike said:
Atleast they arnt comming over to drink all your beer like my trashy neighbor trys to do

I thought I was only one that had neighbors that came over to drink all my beer, nice to hear it happen to others
At least you talk to your neighbors :LOL2:

I'm at an all out war with mine on one side. We keep it civil because we all have young kids, but if we didn't it would be like the Gaza strip. :LOL2: :LOL2:

He took $700 from me to do some work around my house and never finished it.
nomowork said:
Loggerhead Mike said:
Who's side of the line is it on?

The fence is actually partly on their side of the property line as it is a hillside and the roads are curvy. The fence was erected about four or five owners ago. If they have the property surveyed and decide to do whatever they want with the fence, we'll just look up city codes and erect our own chain link fence to the maximum height allowable. One big drawback of moving the fence will be that they will now have a utility pole about 15 feet inside of the property instead of near the fence.

The fence is also stained but they are painting their side white. They were painting the top of the cedar boards with white primer and it was just running down the other side and looks like bird crap! I brought that up with them yesterday and got the old sorry routine.

One more thing comes to mind, LARGE TREES!
Take pictures showing the fence on your property line that he damaged and have your GF find her reciept first. Then, I believe that if you contact the town or county inspector and file an encroachment or trespass complaint they may have to get a survey and either remove the fence altogether or move it so that it complies with setback requirements. If there was no building permit pulled when the fence was built and it's on their property, they will have to tear it down. If it's on yours, you will have to tear it down.

Personally, I'd let it go and plant fast growing evergreens along the property line.
Oh man I feel for you. That is a tough situation...especially with the guy being a cop. You could always erect another fence on your property the original heigth. It dosen't sound like they are going to be good friendly neighbors anyway.
Oh, BTW, I forgot to mention that his brother also just bought a house two or three doors down the road from him! We politely told him that this is a quiet neighborhood and that both of his neighbors on his left and right are older than me retired couples. Hint, hint...............
nomowork said:
Oh, BTW, I forgot to mention that his brother also just bought a house two or three doors down the road from him! We politely told him that this is a quiet neighborhood and that both of his neighbors on his left and right are older than me retired couples. Hint, hint...............
The guy just cut the top off a fence he wasn't sure he owned and didn't check out befor he cut, just so they could have a better view and didn't apologize. Why would you think that they will care how old or quiet his neighbors are or like things to be ?? Sounds like a cop taking advantage of his "authority" in his private life to me. [-X
Take the whole fence down and put naked maniquins in your yard. MAke them anatomically correct and see what happens. :mrgreen:

I have great neighbors. Being on a corner lot I have numerous neighbors. WE invite them over every year for our annual cookout. 4 of the 6 nieghbors are retired and keep an eye on the neighborhood. One neighbor two house behind mine has 3 little ones, tehy come over all the time to play with the dogs. The youngest, all of 3 even wore pants today and hung out for over a 1/2hr. He really liked the black lab and tried to ride em like a horse. It was funny to watch.
Or go buy a 5 gallon bucket full of nails and start hammering away at the fence :) nail's are alot harder to cut through than wood.

Also there's a good reason why some people double the fence up, they will have their 6 foot privacy fence and you will have yours, i'd like to see them cut my side of the fence. your own fence. "sharing" a fence is never a great idea long term...

Also I would suggest just sticking to yourself...frankly I would be annoyed if my new neighbor felt the need to let me know that my neighbors are old and we should keep things quiet.

"Mind your own" is always a good policy...I understand the fence thing being frustrating though...but unless you actually own it you can't really do much about it.
As Linus once said, "I love mankind, it's people I can't stand." There's a lot of truth in that.
I have neighbors that have a female Pit Bull that continues to come lay in front of my Yellwo Lab's pen (when she is in heat). At first it didn't really bother me because she couldn't eat his feed and wasn't tearing anything up. Then she got the nerve to growl at me as I was working in the yard one day. This is when I decided to let my Yellow Lab out and let him inpregnate her. After the neighbors dealing with two litters of puppies, the Pitt has not been back on my property! :p :p