Finally took the boat out for real yesterday. Had my wife with me.
It went pretty well.
This was the first time I ran it under power.
It did not get on plane, which I expected. But I think the trolling motor and battery in the bow is just too much for this boat. I was concerned about this and mentioned it earlier.
I could get it to about 10 mph and there was more throttle left in the motor but it was just pushing the waves too hard. I was afraid if we were to hit a wake (even at a slower speed) that we may spear a wave.
I am ok with that speed but the bow rail is just too close to the water for comfort.
So I have a couple choices. Just take it off, forget it and sell it. That was my first thought.
But I really like the motor and want to use it!
So before I can the whole thing, I am going to try it next time just by myself, since then I am more serious about my fishing and not tooling the wife around. She likes to fish but not like I do LOL
If it seems ok while I am alone I will get a quick release mount and just take it (and the battery) off when I go with her.
Other than that it felt comfortable and stable enough so I am happy overall
Here are a few pics just back from the lake at our vac home (its a mfg home but we call it our cabin!!!)