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Apr 29, 2023
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Junction City, Oregon
Junction City, OR
Getting ready to revamp a 1985 Sea Nymph 1232 jon boat. Current plans include aluminum framing for a forward deck, at least one hatch (or I may hinge the entire thing) to facilitate storage battery, lines, fishing magnets, anchor, gas can, etc.

Pondering installing a five gallon fuel cell in the forward compartment, but haven't decided yet. Running a Predator 212 powered Beaverdam thai longtail, so no mixing involved.

This boat is my second attempt at a magnet fishing vessel. The first taught me a bitter lesson, which I caught on camera (link to follow). When I decided I wanted to be able to magnet fish the waters "between the bridges" I first thought I'd use a hull I already owned. This was an old fiberglass "square stern" canoe. It needed some repairs (transom, stringers, etc) so I went to the "University of YouTube" and learned how to do fiberglass. Once the repairs and modifications were complete I took her out for seaworthiness trials at a local reservoir.

Things did not go well. I had ran this hull with a 5hp Johnson in the past with no issues, what I failed to take into consideration until later is the Johnson has a Doel-Fin on it, which was providing lift at the stern. The thai longtail does no such thing. I had been watching YouTube videos of others using thai longtail motors on canoes, but I failed to realize the difference in hull design from my canoe and a Coleman Scanoe, the scanoe has a flat bottom and relatively wide square stern, my hull is shaped like a traditional canoe, no plaining surfaces at all.

What I discovered (to my chagrin) was the shape of the hull on that old canoe is all curves at and below the waterline. Forward motion in excess of the displacement speed of the hull resulted in a low pressure area at the stern. The further I traveled at speed, the lower the stern would ride. This was not obvious because the stern was behind me.

Under higher throttle settings the bow would climb while the stern settled, this would give an immediate visual indication there was a problem, and I'd get out of the throttle (duh).

If you watch the video, you will see me traveling at mid-throttle or so making my way back to the ramp. Because I was at a moderate throttle I didn't get any indication of problems until the lake came in over the transom and I saw my feet under water...Oops!

A passing bass boat offered assistance, which I gratefully accepted. He flagged down a passing jet ski and asked him to tow the canoe into the ramp. At some point during the tow the motor fell off, which made the tow easier, but left me with a longtail under 18' of water ... somewhere.

Dumped the water out of the canoe, grabbed one of my fishing magnets and went back out under paddle. Took about an hour to locate the motor, pull it up to the canoe (by the skeg, hanging straight down) and start paddling (slowly) back towards the ramp. Made it most of the way before the tiller handle started dragging on the bottom. Another passing boater helped pull it up and laid it in the canoe, the rest was cake.

If you've read this far, I'm sorry. Not quite done yet...

I bought this jon boat off of Craigslist for $250, replaced the transom and took her out.

Here's the initial result.

And a video of the first magnet fishing trip with the jon.

I've since added an aftermarket exhaust and less restrictive intake. Hoping to get this into the mid-twenty's (mph) for...reasons. ;-)

Getting ready to head to the lake (same reservoir) and see how she's running now. Stay tuned.

If you have a mind to, subscribe to my YouTube channel, I'm going to document my adventures on that platform.

More later I'm sure.
Never heard of magnet fishing before your post. What is the neatest thing you have "caught"?

Welcome to Tin Boats.
Never heard of magnet fishing before your post. What is the neatest thing you have "caught"?

Welcome to Tin Boats.
I've caught bikes (most rusted beyond saving), handcuffs (there's a story there, but I'll never know it), engine internals, horseshoes (many wrought iron which dates them to the mid 1800s or earlier), signs, firearms (two shotguns, probably a duck hunting mishap), a broken transmission, antique car wheels, modern truck wheels, an antique headboard (people call them wrought iron, but they're cast iron and steel), many unidentifiable items and lots and lots of random scrap.

Here's a couple of my favorite finds so far. SignClean2.jpgShellClean2.jpg
Sorry to hear about your mishap with the canoe, good job finding the motor.
I never sank one, came close a couple times but was able to beach the boat or bail out. I have tried my hand at magnet fishing but have done better with a huge treble hook with light rope, got a few fishing poles that way.
Good luck with the new boat.

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