An awfull lot depends on quality control for that day. If you look closely, that is not uncommon on riveted boats and can happen on welded as well. Saw it on most vrands even Lunds !! Not common but out there if you look. Whilevit may not look all neat and tidy, there should be no structure issues. One reason people buy glass boats are the cool, smooth, flowing lines and fancy colors availiable. I personally stay away from glass boats, to many bad experiences over the years. I am definetly an aluminum boat guy and have owned more than I have fingers and toes, but I am a practical boat used, not interested in pretty. Todays prices are rediculous, and I wont pay them, way overpriced for what you get. In every vehicle there are luxery and economy models, boats are no different. This is why they make Chevrolets and Caddillacs, no difference in the mechanics of either, just fit, finnish and appearance, your pocket book makes the choice..