Night Bassin, Party Time, Excellent

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Bucks County, PA
The White Whale killer and myself hit up a local lake on friday and saturday night. Friday night went to the Ahab, with him boating 2 fish, and missing what seemed like a million on a soft plastic frog. I had some line issues on my baitcaster so I was throwing small frogs and senkos for most of the night. Saturday was my night. I boated 6 fish all well over 2lbs, the biggest probly being right around 5lbs. All of my fish were caught on the King Daddy frog. I love that thing, I need about 50 more right now =P~

White Whale slaughters

My sack of toads....Dave really needs to learn how to take a freakin picture
Take one

Take two

Third time's a charm

and some of the rest of them


Nice fish,wish we had more lakes open to night fishing.
Looks like you had a great time.
Even Capt Ahab's shirt has the photogenic smile down... :LOL2:

Great catches guys. Curious, what do you attribute all the missed frog bites to? Hook set too early?
I personally attribute Mr. Ahabs misses to the wrong equipment, and not "slamming" the fish. He uses all spinning gear, with 10lb braid. With frogs I use a 7'6" heavy ex-fast baitcaster with 30lb braid, and I "slam" them. While tackle is important I think it it more or less just timing and how the fish hits the bait. Dave was missing most of the fish on a soft plastic buzz frog. He was constantly reeling the bait, most of the time the fish just slap at the bait and never really get it into their mouth. I was using a hollow plastic frog and hte fish were mostly hitting it on the pause, and they just suck it in. Then I wait to slam them when I either dont see the frog or I can feel them on the line. All but one fish had my frog completely in their mouth hooked in the roof of their mouth. I think if I told Dave that he has to "slam" the fish when they hit one more time that night he was gonna throw me overboard :lol:

I also feel that fishing at night creates more misses in general. You can't watch the bait and you will often just react to sound rather than feel. I think the fish are doing the same thing. A lot of times they just slap at it. This lake is super weeded/padded over and I think a lot of times the fish just whack at something moving not to eat it, but rather just to daze or wound it, then try to find it after it is slowed down by their first strike.
I would really like to try bass fishing at night. Sounds like a blast! Nice fish too!
I've only been night fishing in a boat a handful of times, and it's been over 10 years. Once I was throwing a buzzbait and I'd say I stuck about 50% of the 10 fish that hit it. The other 50% resulted in the buzzbait whistling about 80mph past my face each time. Amazed I didn't hook myself or the other idiot in the boat with me who didn't have the knowledge to tell me to "wait till you feel the fish" before setting the hook. :oops:

Sure is hard to do when you hear all that splashing though.... :x
Hey Brine, don't think that you are the only one that launches the bait back at yourself, or past the boat. I did that atleast 10 time the other night with the frog. I really think its just reaction to the sound or immediate feel of the strike, not being able to watch the baits can never make for a good hookup ration....with topwaters anyways. Unfortunately I was trying to hook the other idiot in the boat, didnt happen [-o<
Awesome fish. First thing I thought of after reading this was one time about 5 years ago we were partying for the fourth of july at a buddies house right on the bayou. After awhile me and my cousin got to talking about bass fishing and I nonchelantly said I bet I could catch a fish right now out of them lily pads. He immediately said theres no way. It was well after dark and we had been blowing big fireworks all night. That was all I needed to hear and I was on my way to the truck to grab my pole. When he saw I was serious he said ok Ill give you ten casts to catch a fish. The bet was only for ten bucks but definetly more about pride. I fired back saying give me 5. The patch of pads wasn't all that big and I knew i could cover the area in a couple casts. It took me two casts and I landed a nice chunky 3 lber! I didn't really want the money but took it out of principle. To this day he still says hes gonna win his money back and claims I was using a magic frog. After that I have been doing alot more night fishing. I have trained myself to after the strike lower rod tip reel till I feel tension then slam it home. About a two to three second delay. I have a good percentage of hookups using this technique night and day. Nothing compares to topwater action!
Here's a few more of the better ones, wer have been fishing from 10 till after 2 since last thursday or friday....its hard to keep track of the days
What a Dope


I need a haircut

Too much iced coffee tonight, had to post Dave's catch of the night, 5lbs 2oz, he had caught two 8+lb catties right before this on soft plastics and he thought it was another, until it rocket out of the water, yet another successful night. We are having a hard time fishing in the daylight these days. JD Baits fatboys and mudbugs are the shiznit fo sho

This is from the weedless lake, notice how pale it is conpared to the weeded lillypad lake, these are also more solid fish, way more baitfish and crayfish
Wow... THAT is a nice fish!

That settles it: I am going to have to plan a night-fishing outing sometime soon.
We are on a roll with these nice bass

Next stop is the big lake - Nockomixon, there we might run into Muskie and big striped bass as well!
What kind of pointers and tips would yall give out to a first timer, I fish at night sometimes but that usally contains beer and jugs. I would love to catch some bucket mouths like those at nite.
Pruitt1222 said:
What kind of pointers and tips would yall give out to a first timer, I fish at night sometimes but that usally contains beer and jugs. I would love to catch some bucket mouths like those at nite.

Fish with confidence is a big thing - night bassin takes some getting used to and you have teh put in the time to adjust to the dark. Start by fishing a body of water that contains good numbers of fish and where you have had success in the past - use soft body frogs in the weeds and dark plastics fished slow.

Good luck

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