November 2010 Member Monthly Giveaway Winner Outdoorsman!

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Congrats Outdoorsman!!! We want to see a picture of what that thing will catch.

Thanks Jim for another great giveaway!
Congrats Outdoorsman...

Ya better post a photo of the first fish you land with that lure!

Thanks for the opportunity Jim... Maybe next month for me!!!
WOW...can't remember the last time I won somethin......WHOOOOO - HOOOO
=D> =D> \:D/ \:D/ :beer: :beer: :lol: :USA1:

I'd like to thank my producer, my fans, my mom and wait wrong speech....

You can count on seeing some pics of that bad boy lure in action and the fishes it brings in...

I just want to say that this website was my number 2 favorite when I first got here, but after being here a while and getting to know and realize what this site and the people here are all about, it is now my number one faviorte site and I am honestly proud to be a part of this group...

nuff said....

Thanks to Jim and all the moderators for the fine job and the good ideas (opportunities) that make this website what is is...and thanks to all the tinboaters that have made me feel welcome here..... I am done.....

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