Anybody ever use oldtimers formula on your deck. Used to use Thompson's water seal but it doest seem to hold up very well so thinking I would sand it down and try it. Any experiance good or bad if you have tried it.
I have used the Old timers formula on plywood transoms and other parts and it works good. It has been used on decks but not by me.
It's almost always used on new plywood I don't if having the plywood previously treated with Thompsons will have an effect on the old timers formula performance.
I have used it on my boats but it was covered with spar varnish after a couple coats Thinking I will just soak with the oldtimers and nothing on top of that.
Its a done deal, now to see how it holds up. I only used one coat but rain is expected tonight. If it doesnt bead the rain water I will try another coat if we can get a spell of dry weather before winter.
You don't do coats of old timers. You keep applying it until the plywood won't soak up any more. Then you wipe up the excess it will take 3 days or more to dry.