I have one battery right now running my old transom trolling motor. So I know 1 bank charger for that.
I'm going to be putting a larger bow mount trolling motor next month and at that time I'll add a second battery in parallel for more run time.
Will I need a one bank or 2 bank charger? I'm not sure if 2 batteries in parallel are considered one or two banks?
Even further down the road when I add a gas engine I'll add a starting battery. Does that mean a 3 bank charger? (2trolling 1 start)
If I need a two or three bank charger in the future will it hurt anything to buy it now and only use one bank for the one battery?
I'm going to be putting a larger bow mount trolling motor next month and at that time I'll add a second battery in parallel for more run time.
Will I need a one bank or 2 bank charger? I'm not sure if 2 batteries in parallel are considered one or two banks?
Even further down the road when I add a gas engine I'll add a starting battery. Does that mean a 3 bank charger? (2trolling 1 start)
If I need a two or three bank charger in the future will it hurt anything to buy it now and only use one bank for the one battery?