Pitting on an aluminum boat


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Jul 13, 2014
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I am new to this forum and searching for some info on repairing pitting on an aluminum boat. I recently purchased a used aluminum boat that spent a some time on salt water. There are some fairly small areas in which the original paint is peeling and there is evidence of minor pitting. I have been ready about methods of repair and everything I read says it should be thoroughly cleaned primed and painted. I do not intend to ever use this boat on salt water. Will thoroughly cleaning the spots be enough to prevent the spread of the pitting or do I still need to prime and paint over the spots? Any input is appreciated.
I had some pitting behind my old transom wood. Before I installed my new transom wood I sanded down the pitting and applied a few coats of self-etching primer. Hard to tell if it's gotten worse or stayed the same since it's behind the transom wood, but here is what I did.

Same here... I had some, more than minor pitting on the transom where I removed what I believe was old pressure treated plywood.

Looked it was just slowly eating away the alum.

I wire brushed it clean, sanded, wiped down with some acetone and actually used some GluvIt on it when I was putting it on my seams... I had a bit left over and just brushed it on.

Sanded and painted.

I have also heard of people using MarineTex putty?

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