Please welcome 5 Star Clam rakes company as our newest sponsor

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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Shrewsbury, MA
I would like to welcome the 5 Star Clam Rake Company as TinBoats newest sponsor. Longtime TinBoats member Maintenanceguy wanted to show his support and asked about advertising his company on our forum. This is truly appreciated as we are not just an aluminum boat site, we are a community of everything. I am truly honored and humbled by this.

Also, as a person who lives in Massachusetts and spends time down at Cape Cod digging for clams, this is just a bonus for me. :D
Be prepared for lots of clam pictures this summer. :beer:

Please join me in welcoming maintenanceguy and the 5 Star Clam Rake Company to the family.
I've always wanted to see a picture (unretouched) of a clam smiling.

Welcome 5 Star Clam rakes, and hiya Maintenance Guy.

Nice looking tool. Set the "tines" closer together and it would be great for scooping up sand crabs for bait!

Well done Maintenanceguy.

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