Here's a few pics of the mighty Jon and of course fish pictures.
Here is a link to a video I took while boating in the Algae filled lake. It looks like pea soup. Has anyone else experienced this?
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A little of this & a little of that a wide verity of tastes
She is a beaut....and so is the fish !!! Lol....Nice pics all thanks for posting....keep um coming, come on no else wants to show sum great pics on here.
here's sum pics when i took the 1 year old with me.
..........................flipping the bell.................................................................reeling it in..............................
tightening the drag.......
holding the fish like a CHAMP!!!
Now that's what I call a mess of crappie!! Wow!Loves me some crappie fish. Went out yesterday morning early to beat the heat. Was making my way around looking at the normal underwater structures and those were slow. Then went out deeper and saw some schooling baitfish and couple fish flags on the Helix 7, so I threw out a 1/16 oz jig head with a white swirltail plastic. Got one crappie, then another. Moved a little bit and changed over to some Gulp Minnows. Moved to wind-protected cove and set the anchor lock. Cast out into the middle of the cove and it was game on. Fishing was hot for an hour casting into the same spot -- found a "hole." The bite was still on but the basket was full and the day was getting hot, so I quit.
Only threw back six fish. Two smallish crappie, two small bluegill, and two 12-14" bass (have to be 15" to keep here.)
Cleaning panfish is not one of my favorite things, but I do like to eat them.
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