Nice! I see you're using powerbelts, but I'll throw something at you that I was told when I called Traditions, and it is also in writing in the TC literature, plus I called TC also.
I use Sabots in both my inline and flintlock, and was told "NOT" to use bore butter by Traditions, and that same info. is included in the TC literature.
Something about how it interacts with plastic and will make it very hard to load and will also effect accuracy somewhat. Also the plastic skirt will wipe the grooves of the lube and it will be between the projectile and the powder. They said to really scrub the barrel and get it out if used prior, and to shoot the sabots without using any lube which is meant to be used with patch and ball or lead projectiles.
TC makes 1000 lube+, I don't believe they would tell you not to use it with plastic sabots if there weren't something to that!
I'm sure some will disagree with what I posted here, but two of the manufactures of these guns are saying this. Mind you, I'm using the full plastic sabots, not powerbelts, so with just that little plastic skirt it may not be as critical.
Just something to keep in mind down the road if you ever decide to go to the sabots, I've had good luck using them and WAY CHEAPER to shoot than powerbelts.
Happy hunting!
BTW: The local Walmart has the 1 lb cans of RS pyrodex for $5.00, and the 100 pk. of 50/50 pellets for $9.00, and lots of both!
Just thought I would mention that!!!
