Q-14 (semi V) AeroCraft Project


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Hi simbelle,
Thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot coming from you. As you know it takes patience and attention (both I have issues with) but the result is very rewarding. I used this site for inspiration and ideas. Now it is time to reap the rewards, I am going fishin'! Fish On!
I have one question in the first picture (before all the work started) it shows a support going from the side to the top of a seat. When you were done you didn't have to put this suport back on? Is it due to the deckin and side boxes? I have a 16' and they have these supports from the side to each seat and didn't want to put them back on becasue being in the way of my modifications I will be doing. Is this something I can do..just confused and maybe over thinking it through..


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Hi assaultcraft8993,
I boxed in both sides so I did not put those support arms back on an it is fine. Keep in mind I left the outside of each bench and then ran supports from the front to the back and that stiffened it up. I have done this a few times and have not had any structural issues. The sides will be looser than when the supports were there but in my opinion not enough to worry about. That is a nice sized boat and should make for a great modification. Good luck you came to a good place to get ideas and support. Fish On!
When you wrapped each piece with carpet, how did you go about attaching it to the framework with no visible screws?
Hi th30dd7,
There are visible screws that hold down the carpeted panels and some are hard to see because the carpet (20 oz.) is quite thick and the screws get buried in it. I did use those stainless finish washers to avoid the screws from getting buried too deep but the carpet hid it well. I also planed it so they were at a minimum like screwing down the floor on the sides then covering that area with the side storage panels. I also designed it so the horizontal panels overhung the vertical ones. I then framed the horzontal panels with 2 x 2 (prior to applying the carpet) to fit into the opening the vertical panles made. I then screwed thru the vertical panel into the 2 x 2 frame up under the horizontal overhang. The challange came when dealing with the thick carpet but it worked out and I am happy with the results. I hope that helped. Fish On!
Hey there, beautiful mod. Take a look at my 64 Aerocraft I did last year.

Awesome boats as they are sturdier and handle a little more weight than others the same size.

I went with a little different layout as usually my wife and kids are with me.

I will post pictures of the Bimini top I made for them in the back of the boat for those real sunny days. That way I can fish up front and they are relaxed and cool. It is almost done. Got side-tracked by another project.
What I found is having the back seat offset to the right (easier steering for the motor), that when I am on the front, and someone is sitting in the back seat, the boat is off center. I purchased a racing car seat slider. I have it almost ready to be mounted with the base so that I can actually slide the seat from one side to the other so that I can balance the boat better. I will post pics when it is complete.

But I know what you are talking about with motor and driveways and speed bumps. I am always paranoid the motor is going to get damaged. I love your idea for the transom saver. Any chance you can show a little more of it and or throw some more detail about it out there? I would love to make something similar to give me a little more peace of mind.
Hi bigdog2594,
For some I can't see the photos on you project. I'll check some stuff out to see if it on my end. Anyway thanks a lot I have been chomping at the bit to give it a good workout. I took it out about 2 weeks ago and the motor ran like crap so I removed the cover that exposes the coils and stuff and found that they were original and all cracked. I was surprised it even ran after I pulled them out. So I ripped into it and ended up replacing the coils, points, condensers, plug wires, fuel lines and tore the carb apart and cleaned it out good. I am waiting for a carb. kit to hit my door so I can complete the job and get her wet. We have a ton of water from the last few weeks of rain so finding a ramp will be a challenge. The local river is up about 8 ft. and what a mess. I think I will hit an inland lake by Sunday. I really want to see pics. of your mod. it sounds very nice. I will get some better pics of that transom saver and publish them next week. Fish On!
Huh, that is strange. I went to the link and pictures are still there.
Thanks for taking pics of the transom saver. Trying to figure one out as we speak!
Hi bigchromedog,
Checked it today and yes I can see photos. Great build I know you are diggig that rig. I bet that 15 HP gets the job done. I will get pics. of that transome saver but not until I pound the Walleyes this weekend. Fish On!
Well I have been using my rig and have enjoyed it and harvested my share of fish. I am helping my son do a few mods to his 14' jon. He is very busy with a family, job and school so I grabbed his rig and started in on it. I do not (shame on me) have before shots but here is where I am at with his. My mail man Neal gave me a great deal on a 1962 18 H.P. Johnson with a steering council and controls. I tore into it this past weekend and will work on it in hopes of getting it ship shape for our July vacation in northern Michigan.


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Worked on my sons 14 flat bottom this weekend. I hope he likes it. I still have to bolt things down and tweek some panels to finish things off but the 90 degree weather slowed me down.


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Delivered this rig to my son today just in time for vacation in 6 days. We will meet up near Traverse City, MI next Sat. and with my rig and his along with my two other sons (his brothers) we will pound the fish for a week straight. This is what the whole "Tin Boat" world is all about, enjoying the fruits of ones labor.

Fish On!


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dude, both yours and your son's mods are looking sweet! enjoyed looking at your post from start to where it is now. have to agree with one of the comments you made previously, the build does take longer than originally anticipated! but boy, it's worth the time and effort spent in the end!

I sold"Dead Phish" and purchased a larger boat to fish out on the Saginaw Bay. I plan to do another project in the spring. I would start this Winter but eye surgery has slowed me down for now. I have however added a stereo, depth finder, seats, rod holders and interior lights (not in picture).


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Congrads on gettin a new boat man, hope you heel up well from the eye surgery.

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