Question about permanent fuel tank

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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2013
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I have a Lund SSV 18 with a 60hp merc tiller that I am wanting to put a permanent fuel tank in it. Right now I just have the standard 6 gallon cruise a day. It sits under the rear left seat and is a huge pain to remove and fill up. I have been contemplating fabing up a custom aluminum tank to permanently mount in the same location with a remote fill and sending unit and fuel gauge. The max capacity I would be able to fit in the same location would be 8 gallons give or take. Searching the net I found the Moeller 13 gallon plastic tank (32l x 10w x 10h) with the sending unit already installed, that would fit nicely in the rear portion of the factory casting deck, basically the front bench seat of the SSV 18's that dont have the casting deck. I have the factory removeable flooring in the boat so I could run the fuel line and sending unit wires under it with ease. Buy the time I buy everything to build a custom aluminum tank it will almost be the same as the Moeller tank, so thats a no brainer. The cruise a day I have now has around a 6' fuel line on it but if I used the moeller tank and installed it in the front bench seat, the line would be closer to 10-12'. Just curious if this extra length would cause an issue with the motor?
I would mount the Moeler tank as low as I could in the bench seat to keep the center of gravity as low as possible but another issue I am conserned with is, the tank will be installed with the 32" going across the width of the boat. I don't believe the tank has a baffle and I wonder if the 13 gallon capacity is large enough to cause stability issues with the fuel sloshing around and shifting weight while turning, not to mention issues with fuel pick up when the tank gets low. But I guess with the 13 gallons it is over double what I am using now so even if I start to have pick up problems at 1/4 tank Im still further ahaead mof what I have now.
As far as the issue of the removal of the floataion foam in the front seat area where the tank would go, I could gain that back by adding foam beneath the flooring.
Let me know what you think I am interested in some comments.
I don't think the sloshing will cause you any handling problems. When full it won't slosh much. When near empty it may slosh but there is not much weight going back & forth.

How will you fill it? Per USCG, you can't just have a filler neck in the middle of the boat. There are requirements for fuel runoff if overfilled. This is an important thing, people have blown up when they ignored this aspect.

If the moeller tank has a neck that you can hose clamp to, you can get 2+ inch hose on internet for small money.

Good luck

PS - homemade tanks aren't legal under any circumstances, so good you let that idea go.

PS2 - I used a PWC tank in my boat. 12 gallons, has mounting tabs, fully legal.
Good point on the sloshing. As far as the USCG goes, thats not an issue.....I live in Canada........hahah just joking. I will have to check what the CCG says I guess.
the fuel tank I am looking at has the fill spout off to one side so it makes it easier to mount the fuel fill to the side of the boat. For the fuel fill I will mount it similar to the lund alsakan in the image below with the perko fill spout with vent.
For what it is worth, I have a 12 gallon "portable" tank. I've never noticed any trim issues with gaso sloshing around.
LDUBS said:
For what it is worth, I have a 12 gallon "portable" tank. I've never noticed any trim issues with gaso sloshing around.

Thanks LDUBS thats good to hear.
I run a long fuel line on a portable tank so I can put it up front when I'm alone. No issues with the extra hose length.

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I added a large tank, a permanent style under my front deck, it's mounted just forward of being in the middle of the boat. It has an above deck fuel fill like the straight one in the picture you posted. The fuel delivery line is probably at least 8 feet long and I've never had any issues with it or the tank.
Thanks guys those are all the answers I was hoping for.
About 60% of the time I’m alone in the boat and the rest of the time it’s just me and my wife. When I am alone I have to keep the motor trimmed all the way down to stop the porposing of the front end. I’m hoping that the extra weight with the fuel tank up there will help with that.
KMixson said:
If you go with a permanent tank you may want to check your laws on the requirements on having a fire extinguisher on board.

Good point. In California the equipment regulation says "extinguishers are not required for outboard motorboats less than 26 feet and of open construction". I guess it depends on the definition of "open construction". Seems like it would relate to trapping flammable vapors, but I really don't know.
Had to scrap the meoller tank idea, according to the measurments on the tank, the filler neck would be just slightly to high and would not be allow the casting deck to be reinstalled.
I've been carrying a fire ext. since my boat had a motor attached to it. As far as adding another tank, can you manage a way to access the fill hole and add gas via a hose/tank on the dock? If so maybe just add another 6 gal tank opposite where the current tank is or just relocate the portable tanks to another area. run 2 lines to the engine and swap out when needed. 1 tank out, the other tank to return.

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