cprince said:
Here is part of what I am taking from this;
1) .090 should be fine if built smartly but .125 is more desirable. (I will likely go .090 as I am cheap and want this to be as light as possible... I will be carrying this boat a fair bit into back country trout lakes...)
2) 1 x 1 square tubing, with 1/16 wall thickness for bracing.
- every 7 inches Horizontal
- Gussets and vertical bracing combination work well
3) Go with a pneumatic rivet gun if possible
4) Rivets
- Decking and paneling - 1/8 rivets
- Gussets and stress points - 5/32 rivets
- Framing 3/16 rivets
That is about the Gist of it. There are many more options than the 1 x 1 square with 1/16 wall for the structure. In a lot of instances that you will encounter in a jon boat build, it has the best strength/weight/etc ratio of the options. But, there will be other cases where angle may be more beneficial (combining the two eliminates the need for the corner brackets). That is really not going to be determined until you have a structure plan. I looked at 3/4, but couldn't trust it in a thin wall, and a thicker wall was heavier than the 1 x 1. Bigger stuff doesn't come with thinner walls, and rarely do you need more strength than the 1/16 in 1 inch square offers. In those few cases, the 1 x 1 1/8 (I hate fractions, why can't the US go to SI (metric)) wall will be a better choice. But, those are few and far between, and in one place where I had a large span (where the rod locker door hinge is) I used 2 pieces bolted together on top of one another to achieve the strength needed. Same weight as the 1/8 wall, but a little stronger IMHO.