I added a front mount and pedestal to my 1436. The mount base is two 3/16" x 2" alum angles. I added two 7/8" thick treated boards cut at an angle to match the mid seat level to the alum angles using screws. Then a .050 alum sheet was screwed on to the wood pieces and the pedestal was bolted onto that.
I used eight 5/32" Cherry Max rivets to fasten the alum angles to the boat ribs. The wood pieced were coated with epoxy and painted.
The mount is 7 1/2" wide and light and strong.

I used eight 5/32" Cherry Max rivets to fasten the alum angles to the boat ribs. The wood pieced were coated with epoxy and painted.
The mount is 7 1/2" wide and light and strong.