Should I leave my 6hp mercury on the boat during winter months

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Well-known member
May 23, 2023
Reaction score
Orangeville Ontario,Canada
This might be a dumb question to ask but my new boat has a 1997 6hp mercury that’s in really good shape and i’m told it has low hrs and looking at it i believe what the last guy said . My question is i live in Canada snow country should i take the mercury off and store it in my shed or just leave it on the boat year round. Being it’s in such good shape and the price of even old OB I would really like to take care of it and make it last . I’m Even going to run more expensive Lucas Land & sea oil . Thoughts


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My house doesn’t have a basement or Garage so my 8x18 shed will have to do
Get it somewhere out of the weather, just make doggone sure you get all the water drained out of it.

My little 6 horse kicker I leave on the boat all year, even when I store it outside in the New England winter. I change the lower unit oil, change the engine oil and then make sure good fuel with marine quality fuel stabilizer is run through her before winter storage. I've done this for 8 years and it still runs like it's brand new.
I agree with the above posts. I'm in Canada too. I store mine off of the boat in a heated garage. I like a warm place for my OB but it probably doesn't matter once the water is drained out. I do all the maintenance on the motor in the winter as well.
Thanks everyone i’ve decided to pull it and put it on a stand in my shed which will keep snow and ice off the ob . I only just bought the boat a few weeks ago and haven’t used it yet so there shouldn’t be any water trapped inside .Ob is always down when trailering or being stored. lower unit got all new seals as it was leaking oil onto the last owner’s garage floor. I saw the parts receipts so im guessing the lower unit oil was replaced too
It's a 6hp!! Take it off and store it after every use!!

Haha, mines hard mounted, it hasn't come off the transom in 8 years. It don't hurt the big one and it don't hurt the little one either.


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