Silicone Removal

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Jun 4, 2009
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I am tearing down a boat that i got a few weeks ago to repair the hull the correct way. I stumbles upon a patch that was done really crappy and decided to remove it and fix it the right way. Well, the patch they applied didnt work so they filled under the rib where the hole was located with silicone. Anyone have a trick for removing silicone? I know the manual method but was hoping to find a way that was a little easier. THanks in advance.
Well i know a trick that works really good. But it may not be what you want to do. A propane torch works well, but there are side effects like: smoke, toxic fumes, very hot dripping goo,( if working overhead). You dont have to use much heat, just a quick blast. The silicon then comes off easy with drywall knife. Then finish it off with a medium-coarse brass wire cup brush. Mineral spirits will clean the smoke residue and anything else thats left. If you are trying to save the paint job, don't try this technique. Be carefull the hot silicon will cause instant second degree burns.