Small boat and cold water

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Sep 23, 2023
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Two days ago I got call from a buddy, who is in his 70's saying his boat sunk, and he wanted to know what the chances are of retrieving it. It was 30 degrees out, with high winds, and about 3pm and I was an hour away counting time to hitch up my boat, get fuel, and get down to where he was at 25 miles away.

Apparently him and a friend of his, also in his late 70's, took his 14ft jon boat out with a 9.9hp motor on it, four rods, two tackle boxes, a battery, a fish finder, and a bucket of bait out on the river on a windy day. It was 27°F outside with 30 mph wind gusts.
The boat took on water for some reason and sunk.

They both had life vests on and both managed to get to shore and back to the van where they were able to warm up.
Knowing the river moved pretty fast there I had my doubts whether their boat would still be near where it sank, but I was surprised it was able to just sink as well. According to him it its not that old, an early 90's model or so at best.

My buddy is a big guy, 6ft 5in tall and about 250lbs or so, his buddy maybe 6ft 200 lbs, both in a boat with maybe a 550lb max limit. When I got there with my boat in tow, they were more pissed off about the five fish they lost than the fact they were soaked in ice water with no clue how to get their boat back.

I launched my boat, a 17ft V hull, and made my way to where they said their boat sunk, using my fish finder I saw nothing but headed down stream a bit and spotted it, sitting motor down on the bottom bow pointing straight up. With my buddy in the boat, (the friend stayed in the van warming up), we were able to get a grapple hook onto the bow rope and after a few tries got hold of the 25 ft or so long rope tied to the bow eye on one end and an anchor on he other. After removing the anchor, we were able to secure it to the bow of my boat.

The bow was about 8ft down off to the one side of the river in some mud. with the sunk boat tied off, I was able to back up and dislodge the boat using the buoyancy of the bow bobbing in the waves. Once free fo the muck on the bottom it became like huge drift anchor that was trying to pull us down stream. we managed to get the rope tied to both rear cleats on my boat and my 50hp was able to pull it upstream until it surfaced, it was still flooded but on the surface for the time being.
He said his boat had no drain plug so it wasn't going to self drain and it didn't want to pull straight, it kept trying to flip to the right.

Using the fact it was trying to go to the starboard side, I managed to get it to tow behind my boat just off to the right using only one cleat on my starboard side and towed it that way until we got to the dirt ramp where they launched. When it was at the ramp area, we let it drift ashore enough to settle on the dirt ramp, still sunk but in reach in about a foot of water or so. I came back around, loaded my trailer, then had him back his trailer down and using both his boat winch, and two hand winches, we managed to get the boat to the point where he could start bailing water out of it. It came afloat after about the tenth bucket of water and he was able to get into the back of the boat, tilt the motor and we winched it onto to the trailer while standing in ice water along side of the submerged trailer.

He took his boat home but the motor is here, as soon as I got it in the garage I turned it over with the plugs out letting it drain. Surprisingly there was almost no oil in the water but the cylinders were full of brackish water, as was the carb and intake, which had started to freeze on the ride home. I split the carb open and dunked it in a bowl of WD40 for a bit, and I flushed the motor with a pint or so of it too, I drained the oil, flushing it out twice with mineral spirits and then with some fresh oil.
The cylinders got flushed about several times as well until I didn't get any more water out of them. The motor is a 2009 9.9hp Mercury.

I then blew out the carb, pushed fresh fuel through the fuel pump with my fuel tank, and put it all back together a little while ago, and with a shot of fuel down the carb, it fired up and idled just fine in a warm garage in my run barrel.
He got lucky again in that the motor survived. Somehow even the cover survived it all.

The tank, which was still attached, was full of water, and the fuel fitting area is split open from being lifted by the fuel hose when we first found it. They went back there in the dark to look for their fishing tackle in hopes their tackle boxes washed ashore down stream somewhere. One fishing rod was in the rod holder but snapped in half when we got the boat to the surface.

After all that, and besides the better part of a day wasted fishing their boat out of the river, and trying to save his motor, my main concern is why it sank in the first place. The flotation, which is foam built into the bench seats of the boat and in the bow did not float the boat, the motor which weighs about 90lbs, they had a 3gal fuel tank, two medium sized tackle boxes in a 1436 Jon boat.

There's no doubt they had no business out there in the cold on a windy day but its likely not their first time. Luckily they were both healthy enough at their age to swim or make their way to shore.
They said once they got to the shore, on the far side of the river, made their way to the highway bridge after trudging through the marsh a few hundred feet, then walked across the bridge and back to their van on the other side while completely soaked in below freezing weather and then still they waited around while they got he van warmed up. They refused to leave their boat behind.

My buddy said that at no point did they ever consider calling the police for help not wanting to get caught fishing out there with a boat that wasn't registered and not realizing that due their age, they neither of them needed a fishing license plus the fact its considered saltwater there which don't require a fishing license.
They got real lucky they didn't end up someplace they couldn't walk out of.

The next day my buddy said he found his tackle box, which was one of my old Plano boxes, he and the same buddy had gone back in a canoe and found it, and two of the rods that were tangled up with it somehow in the reeds about half mile down stream near a bend in the river. He was happier about finding the tackle box than me saving the boat and motor.

There's no doubt they were at the max weight for the boat by the coast guard plate, maybe even over it if that 550lbs is counting motor weight. I'm pretty sure the highest rating on the plate I saw was 550, which likely includes the motor and fuel tank. Either way its not a boat I'd run in a fast moving river, especially in the cold in an area with no one around. If they didn't make to shore, I doubt they'd have found them until their bodies washed up somewhere. Both are widowed old men who live alone with no kids, no one would have missed them, no one would have known where they went until they found the van sitting there the next day. In the end, no one got hurt behind a few sore hands from working in the cold but it really makes you think about those small boats on the water. Luckily they both had left their cell phones in the truck, along with their wallets and keys. If not all of that would likely have been gone or ruined.

For me, a boat like that is nearly useless, or has to be considered a one man boat. I'm 6ft 3in tall, 340lbs or so in my 60's and a boat with a 550 rating is completely out of the question if I hang the 20h max hp on it, take a tackle box, a cooler, and a bait bucket or two. Add in a 50lb battery and its over the limit with just me. Add in the fact that the bigger guy was at the stern running the tiller motor, I can easily see why it swamped.

It sort of stayed at the surface once we got it to the ramp but only the bow was floating. The rear of the boat sat firmly in the sand. It has three bench seats each filled with chunks of white urethane foam in roughly three 30x10x10" chunks glued in under each bench seat.
If I'm figuring right that's 5.2 cubic feet of flotation.

By what I was always told is that every cubic foot of foam gives you about 60lbs of flotation, so a boat with 5.2 cf of foam had only 315lbs of buoyancy or flotation if all the foam is in good condition.

The hull likely weighs in around 150 lbs in aluminum weight, the motor at 90, plus the 50lb battery attached to the floor, an 8 lb danforth anchor and 3ft chain, and the fuel tank plus fuel weight. Its no wonder it went to the bottom. Just roughly calculating the weight, the flotation was about at its max weight and if age degraded it a bit, it was all it took to make it sink.

Seeing all this it make me wonder if any of my boats would actually float if swamped as they're supposed to as well.

I didn't call him and tell him the motor is running, I'm thinking maybe I should wait till the water warms up a bit for his own good.
I imagine the water temps were somewhere in the 30's. They are very lucky they didn't surcome to hyperthermia.
I imagine the water temps were somewhere in the 30's. They are very lucky they didn't surcome to hyperthermia.
That’s what I was amazed at. How they didn’t freeze to death. I guess they kept moving while swimming and walking keeping body temperature up.
That is the 'bigger' boat, he had a 12ft Sears car topper jon boat before the one they sunk the other day. I think the smaller boat capsized too, but that was in the summer time and only one of them ended up floating away in the current, while the other guy hung onto the boat and paddled ashore.

I figured the water to be maybe in the high 30's or so, maybe low 40's, its been dropping fast but so far the water hasn't frozen anywhere I've seen. Which is likely why they went to the river.

I would really think that by that age most people know better than that but apparently not. They are lucky to be alive. If they were in the channel, the river is 40 ft deep or more, its pretty shallow where it happened because of silt build up ahead of the bridge pilings nearby.

I took my boots off at the ramp not wanting to ride all the way home in wet feet, I carry a pair of slip on 'wet' shoes for launching my boat but didn't bother with them figuring they'd be useless on the dirt ramp.
My feet were freezing by the time the boat was empty enough to get on the trailer and that didn't take that long. I was all too happy to be back in my truck putting my nice warm socks and boots back on in a truck with the heater turned on full blast.

I can't imagine what they felt hitting that water or walking through the half frozen marsh to the road and then across the bridge to where they were parked.

The only smart thing they did was leave their keys and wallet in the van, with a spare key hidden somewhere. If they had gotten back to the truck and not been able to get warm, they'd likely have been in bigger trouble.

Both of them have old military injuries and neither one of them is all that athletic, their both big guys, which is likely part of what got them in trouble in that boat in the first place. It may also be why they didn't go into shock in the cold water having more body mass than someone who weights half that much.

I was in that boat once in a lake, and with him and me in it it had almost no free board. If it weren't a 4ft deep pond, there's no way I'd have gone that day.

No matter what the reason, there's no way I'd take something like that thing out in the cold in a fast moving river. Its a pond boat at best.

I did tell him if he insists on a 14ft boat, to buy a V hull not a 11" deep tin raft. He said he won't buy anything bigger because a 16ft boat costs $5 more to register each year. That remark coming from a guy worried about calling the marine police because the 12ft boat they were in hadn't been registered in 6 years.

I double checked that his motor would start last night again and it seems fine. I fogged it and stuffed it in the corner for now.
If he asks I'll tell him I had to order parts. I'm not convinced he's bright enough not to go test it out again in the cold.
I'm not going through that myself again, it took me half a day to feel my feet after standing in that water just for a little bit and it was only knee deep next to the trailer.
If this was a normal year, I wouldn't have been here, I usually head to FL after Thanksgiving and stay there till May or so.
I don't know where that boat would have been by the next day. But maybe that would have been for the better.
It was stuck in the muddy bottom when we tied onto it but I'm sure the current change would have moved it with the incoming tide the next morning, and the motor likely would have been full of sand and mud by then. As it is, I really don't think its any worse for wear since I got to it right away.
There's absolutely no way I'd go in any tidal water or river period with a flat bottom jon boat rated only for 550 or so lbs. Let alone in cold water or in a place where they won't find me if something happened even if I survived the cold water.

Some guys just seem destined to keep trying for that Darwin Award time and time again.

I really can't see how those shallow jon boats are safe for anything but a couple of kids with such a low weight limit.

After having my 16ft Mirrocraft Lake Fisherman there's no way I'd go any smaller if I was going to bring a buddy along.
I've been over 300lbs most of my adult life and most of my buddies that fish make me look small. Even back in high school as a skinny teenager with a 30" waist and 6ft 3in tall I was 250 lbs,

Those two are super lucky to be alive but I suppose survival instinct is a powerful driving force.
Its amazing how many bad decisions some guys make when going out on the water. Those two are lucky they weren't fish bait themselves.
Its good you go the boat out of the water, chances are it would have been gone with the change of the tide, either buried, washed out to see, or pushed into deeper water and never seen again or wrapped up in someone's prop months from now.

I came close to going into water once when I was 16, I was with a neighbor and his family that had just gotten a brand new 31ft boat and were going out for the day to try it out for the first time. About an hour into the ride out the bilge alarm went of and the boat was obviously getting low in the water all of a sudden. Not being a strong swimmer and it being early in the spring, I knew the water was still cold. I had zero interest in going for a forced swim.

The neighbor who was driving said "Its a new boat, I'm sure its nothing", but when I lifted the hatch over the motor I could see water several feet deep filling the lower hull. The faster he went the faster it took on water. I finally told him to stop, and after a short argument, he did, and the leak seemed like it slowed down a bit but the bilge pumps were not keeping up and we were 12 miles from the dock. After almost having a fight I took the controls and ran it backwards toward the shore, which seemed to really slow the leak.

Once in shallow water I was able to swing the bow toward the mossy sod bank and beach it. After taking a look from outside the boat we saw the hull had split open nearly right down the middle opening up a 3ft long crack that was obviously acting like a water scoop. I told him it needed to be fixed before going back out or it will sink. He argued with me but I told him I'd toss the distributor caps and wires overboard if he didn't call his tow company. I was ready to trudge through the marsh to the nearest road if I had too, but was not getting back into that boat on the water.

To make a long story short, they towed the boat after attaching flotation bags to the bow, it eventually was deemed unrepairable due to a structural defect an de-lamination of the hull. I never spoke to him after that, I think he felt I damaged it running it up on the shore, but his daughter later told me that they later found out those boats had a known hull issue that year and nearly all of them got bought back. He never bought another boat after that which was probably a good thing considering he was willing to risk his family to drive it home. He was likely less happy that I was dating his daughter about five years after that. Her parents divorced around that time, the mother told me the marina told him that it would have most definitely sunk if he had tried to drive back like that.
I imagine the water temps were somewhere in the 30's. They are very lucky they didn't surcome to hyperthermia.
yes, that was my first thought. I remember about ten years ago, a guy was checking his traps up near Greenwood park, and fell through ice into water up to. his waist, and died of hypothermia before he got to his car.
yes, that was my first thought. I remember about ten years ago, a guy was checking his traps up near Greenwood park, and fell through ice into water up to. his waist, and died of hypothermia before he got to his car.

It is my major concern with our early spring and late fall outings, when water is in 30’s. Gave up on ice fishing, too.

Greenwood is a nice little park. Both of my kids had summer jobs there.
I have only swamped one boat in m my lifetime. I was in my 20's, fishing a small private ADK pond in the spring. A friend and myself were in a wooden canoe. One that if you both leaned to the same side, it would go over. and it did. It was likein slow motion and each rock back and forth took on more water. We were within 10' of shore and were able to recover everything, including the few trout we had already caught. It was very cold and ended the day.
I had a Bayliner "bass boat" in the late 80's and had an accident that I definitely contributed to. I was on Lake Sammamish in WA. and the wind wind was whipping up whitecaps so I turned for home and was kinda banging through the heavy chop. I decided to speed up to try riding high in the chop. I decided to put my PFD on BUT left the kill switch unconnected to me.
Well, at about 28-32 mph the boat suddenly went HARD to S.B. sending me tumbling to port, hitting the railing and flipping into the drink. I barely went underwater and came to my boat in about a 30 yard circling pattern. I did not know what happened but a guy up on shore, in his house, saw the whole thing happen through a 6" opening in his curtains. He came and fished me out and took me to his place where he called the sheriff and they put a watch on the circling boat and after about 20 minutes circling, air got in the gas lines and the engine died.
That un necessary accident did not need to happen. Coulda killed somebody or destroyed property.
Taught me an important lesson on complacency and knowing proper limits.
I did tell him if he insists on a 14ft boat, to buy a V hull not a 11" deep tin raft. He said he won't buy anything bigger because a 16ft boat costs $5 more to register each year. That remark coming from a guy worried about calling the marine police because the 12ft boat they were in hadn't been registered in 6 years.

Here's the really sad part of the whole thing. He placed a lousy $5 value on his own life.

I don’t have much to add other than those two or a couple of idiots that have no sense being on the water. And you are one hell of a friend!
well i dont know about you.. i would rather beach my boat on a sand/gravel bar then be stuck in some big waves with with a surface drive..
Cold water isn't any joke. about 25 or so years ago I was at a lakeside bar in PA relaxing one Memorial Day weekend. As it got later, my buddy, who lived on the other side of the lake said he and his old lady were heading home. I had ridden there with them that day since my boat was apart at home. I was going to leave but a woman I was talking to told me to stay, and she'd give me ride back home in her boat, which was docked there as well. Being a single guy, and figuring on more than a boat ride, I said sure and we kept drinking. That was around 9pm.

Come closing time, around 2am, she stood up and said lets go, I had had maybe a dozen shots or so, which she bought, plus a few other mixed drinks and beers the bar maid had handed me to try. I felt okay but knew what I drank. She said she was fine. Her friend, who apparently also rode with her said she was getting a ride home with someone else since she lived closer to the bar we were at. Once on her boat, it wouldn't start. The battery was stone dead from her leaving the radio on. By that time everyone else had already left. If I knew what was coming I'd have gotten out and walked the four miles or so home but the wrong head was doing the thinking by that point. I pulled the cover off the 70 something Evinrude 175, found a piece of rope and manually started it, untied the boat and we left.

She pulled away from the dock and seemed like she knew what she was doing. Once she got clear of the docks there she then cranked it wide open into the open lake into the pitch black dark. I tried to ask her where she docked her boat but couldn't hear a thing over the motor screaming. She just smiled and poured on more throttle. The boat was an older Carlton speed boat, like the one in the James Bond movies but it had seen better days by the look of it. She pointed to where we were going and said something I didn't catch then turned the boat in that direction slightly at first then she started to turn the corner onto the narrower part of the lake. At that point the boat spun out to the port side hard and died, as it did both of use went skipping across the water as the boat turned completely in the other direction coming to an almost complete stop. We skimmed the surface like two rocks headed for the rocks along the shore with me a little ways ahead of her in my slide. I remember seeing the water as I left the boat, then I saw the rocks but was spinning on my back as I sort of skipped on the surface before I slowed down in a splash stopping about three feet from the rocks that covered the side of the lake there beneath a guard rail above. She slid into me and I grabbed her around the waist and sort of spun around trying to find a foot hold on the rocks below.

The boat bobbed in the water and slowly drifted our way bumping off a nearby dock first as she floated with my arm around her waist trying to stay standing. As the boat drifted over, I figured it was likely easier to try and climb back into the boat then up the rocks that formed the ledge above. The other choice was to duck under the side of a boat house and pop up inside some strangers dock next to their boat. Not wanting to get shot at 2am I pulled the boat around so the motor was facing the shore, I got hold of the folding swim platform on the starboard side of the transom slid her up onto the platform then over into the boat as I used the lower unit and the platform to get myself back in the boat.

She then started laughing saying 'that's never happened before" then moaning that she was freezing and started talking but I couldn't understand most of what she was saying as I was trying to find something for her to put on. Neither of us were hurt, other than being cold, wet, and missing a couple shoes. She had lost her life jacket and her and her top which I didn't see anywhere in the mostly dark water with only a slight glow from what looked like a full moon behind sky that was slowly turning cloudy. She then looks at me and says she lied, "I'm Drunk". and she pukes all over the boat.

I figured at that point all I want to do is get off the water, and I didn't know where she lived and really wasn't sure where on the lake my buddies place was from where we were.
What I did know what that I was freezing cold, it was almost 2:30 am and the end of May. When I hit the water, it actually felt warm, warmer than the air felt which was probably only about 50 degrees or so by then.

I found a life full life vest for her under the back seat, I got the jacket style vest on her in case she fell over while puking, and got the boat started again. That's when I realized what happened. The steering cable had snapped off where the bolt attached it at the motor end. The end of the cable had simply broke, and the motor, which was at WOT, just wrenched to one side. I suppose the sudden slam to the side and the way it tipped and stopped suddenly must of jarred it hard enough to shut it down, but I had no way to steer it and it was cold. I looked around the boat and found a boat hook on a pole, and a couple pieces of rope and two rolls of green duct tape.

I put the cover on the motor, then strapped the boat pole to one side with about 30 wraps of tape and fired it up, and used the pole to steer. I then started trying to get her to tell me where she lived or where were were heading. All she could do was vomit and point. So I went dock to dock down that side of the lake till she yelled. I pulled the boat into the slip where she was pointing too. I tied it up, got her out of the boat and onto dry land.

I was on the other side of the lake from where I lived and still freezing cold, tired, and covered in vomit. She said something about the key being in the flower pot, which I found after checking all 30 or so of them on the deck.

I get inside, toss her on the couch, and went looking for something warm, That's when I realized she lived with some other chick, who at that time was puking up drunk as well having been out elsewhere else that night.
I grabbed a cover off the the first bed I saw and tossed it to her in the living room to cover up. She was still puking in a waste basket at that time. I found a shower and cleaned up, grabbed a towel and found a chair and basically just collapsed and fell asleep.

I woke up still groggy, the house was warm from a fire going and she was coming out of the shower, and her room mate was at the kitchen counter mixing more drinks.

She tells the room mate that I 'saved her so I have to keep her'.
After a bit of conversation from a hung over pair of blondes I was able to gather that the boat belonged to the other girls boyfriend's dad, who was in jail, along with her boyfriend. The house belonged a woman who they both worked with, who was away at her house in Europe somewhere.

I still had the shivers and didn't feel good, a bit hung over and likely a bit sick from being in the water. She seemed just fine and they both started drinking at 10am, finally both passing out by about 1am. I found keys to a car in the driveway, left a note saying where to find it, and headed home, I left the car in a parking lot down the street with the keys under the mat and walked home about a half mile up the road.

I never saw either of them after that again. I moved from there about two years later but never saw either of them in that bar again, which I went to fairly often that summer.

About five years later I was traveling for work and happened to turn on a TV in the hotel room and saw her on TV, she was a local weather girl on a cable station there. (By that time I was already with my second ex, so I never said a word about it), and still won't today but it wasn't until then that I ever even knew her name. I felt I really dodged a bullet that night, and both of us were lucky it didn't go worse than it did. Either of us could have been knocked out, or slid into the rocks, or the boat could have kept going or run us over as came toward us. Worse yet I could have stayed and one of them could have been my third or fourth ex back then.
My buddy rassed me for a month about just getting out of there like that and not staying to have some fun but after spending time in the water and then getting covered in puke by a stranger, I had lost interest in anything but getting warm and getting her vomit off me and getting back home.
They did the Polar Bear Plunge but not by choice by the sound of it.

This all reads like a page from the Darwin Awards but things like this are all too common, many don't survive such incidents.

They likely survived because they kept moving, and it sounds like they were close to shore, dunked, rushed to shore, got warm in a hurry.

At 32 degrees a person has about 7 minutes in cold water before they become either exhausted or start showing signs of hypothermia. After that they'd have 30 minutes or so at best before likely loosing consciousness.. That 7 minutes starts when they hit the water, but slows considerably once out of the water. They likely didn't take 7 minutes from when they hit the water to when they got back to the car, but it likely felt more like an hour to them.

Being intoxicated in a boat on cold water, on a dark lake in a strange boat and letting a stranger drive who is likely in no better shape is kind of inviting trouble but not everyone would worry about saving anyone but themselves in a situation like that. Instinct takes over it becomes a matter of survival. Being intoxicated likely affected your reaction to the cold as well.
By the sound of it that woman was in far worse shape intoxication wise but I'd have lost interest as well if a 'date' threw up on me nearly got me killed. Life is a serious of choices we make, sometimes making the wrong choices leads to some pretty bad consequences. It sounds like that night a lot of bad choices were made by everyone involved.

I do feel people need to hear about things like this so they can learn from other's screw ups rather than doing the same themselves. Just imagine if that woman didn't survive that accident, or if you didn't find her and get her back into the boat. What would the story being told after that. Things like that are often life changing in a bad way.

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