Steel flex & 5200 compatibility question?

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Jul 19, 2014
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I am in the process of redoing a bass tracker i just bought for electric only lakes. Fedex just brought my steel flex today so i am anxious to get it on the bottom. If i can get the energy and answer to my question i may go down to the shop and do it this afternoon. The only concern or question i have is will i have any problem with 5200 adhering to the steel flex? Everything ive read talks about how slick the steel flex is, and i have had 5200 pull off of a new rubbermaid container because it was slick. I dont know if i should go ahead and mount my pump fittings & board for transducer now before those areas are covered in steel flex or will the 5200 bond to the steel flex? Its mainly the transducer board that concerns me, the fittings are threaded so they will be tight. If anyone could give me an experienced answer i would appreciate it.
I will have lots of pictures next week, ive taken pics of every step so far. Boat is gutted, cleaned, & waiting on me to put it all back together how i want it. I just finished painting the trailer last night and it looks brand new, almost too shiny. As soon as i get the steel flex on im painting the boat (above the steel flex) and it will be time to start putting in the decking. Brine's boat build has been my inspiration so you can probably guess how my boat is going to look. No wood and a really sweet looking paint job. It probably wont happen but I hope to be fishing an electric tournament in it next saturday. I have not taken anything off of my other boat just in case its not ready, i will not rush anything on this boat. I plan on it looking professional and not thrown together....... However, If my hydroturf gets here next week the livewell will be the only thing that would slow me down :D I found a livewell maker online and sent him an email today about making one for me. He had some pictures on his website of a livewell he made with a glass window on the front, you could look right in on the fish. They are insulated plastic livewells with lids, coolest livewell i have ever seen! Hopefully the price he gives me will be less than what the boat cost..... that livewell has turned into one of those "i gotta have it" things.
I used 5200 on my pump after I used steelflex. No leaks. However... seeing how you went through my build, you'll notice I didn't use it the same way you intend to with a board. Not 100% sure what the board will do for you, but you may consider using the steelflex over the board then mount the transducer (with 5200 in the screw holes)
Thanks for the reply Brine, your boat looks great. I am very happy i stumbled upon on it.
The reason i wanted to do the board was because I didnt want to put any holes in the transom. I was going to adhere the board directly to my boat where the screw holes would be in the board (pvc or cutting board) and not my boat. Its only going to be used on electric lakes so i only need it to withstand 5.5 mph.
Anyways, i got the steel flex put on today, i will let you know if the 5200 sticks to it. Steel flex and 95 degree GA heat was fun, i could feel it starting to kick in the container i mixed in, i had to kick it in high gear because i thought it was going to act like fiberglass resin or epoxy. Surprisingly you can feel the heat but it doesnt kick quiet as fast as resin or regular epoxy. After using steel flex once, if i had to do it again i think i would try spraying it from a hopper gun. Also, i havent seen anyone mention anywhere to buy it other than directly from Fasco. I ordered mine from fiberglass supply depot. I paid $94 (including shipping) for a gallon, I ordered it online Thursday and it arrived at my house yesterday.
Thanks for the compliment.

After reading your post, I think it would be worth scuffing the steelflex where you plan on using the 5200 if you're using it as adhesive. That or plan on having a dangling transducer one day.

I haven't heard of anyone buying steelflex other than direct from FASCO. Good to know.
[url= said:
Brine » 28 Jul 2014, 11:36[/url]"]Thanks for the compliment.

After reading your post, I think it would be worth scuffing the steelflex where you plan on using the 5200 if you're using it as adhesive. That or plan on having a dangling transducer one day.

I haven't heard of anyone buying steelflex other than direct from FASCO. Good to know.

Google is how i found them, they sell other fasco products and a lot of stuff that boat builders could probably use. I was very hesitant about buying it because i thought it may be something else not the one everyone was talking about on here. I probably read the description and compared pictures 5 times before i bought it. They offer it in different colors, it cost $28.99 quart. I bought a gallon and it cost $94 delivered to my door.
Brine, How fast is yours going? Do you think the steel flex gave you any less resistance or more speed? I did it where i didnt have to worry about leaky rivets so i dont care either way, im just curious. This is the 3rd electric boat i have built and i have learned something "i should have done" with each one, is there anything you would do different with yours? I plan on making this one the nicest i have built, i am not cutting any corners this go round. I have a 101 on the front and a 75 on the back, i am hoping it will hit 5mph. My other boat has a 55 on front and a 75 on back and i get 4.3, the good thing about my other boat is the way built it and positioned the weight, i get the same speed with a full livewell & 1 other person (sitting towards the front) in the boat.
I may end up getting an electric outboard some time in the near future.
My boat ran 4.8 - I don't think there is any noticeable speed difference from the steelflex, but I'm sure it helped when trying to winch the boat up the bunks. Although I think it was a nice mod to the boat, I'm not sure if I'd do it again. As far as leaky rivets.... I'm a believer in the primary "fix the leaky rivet at the rivet" rather than applying a secondary fix (like steelflex is in my mind).

I sold the boat over a year ago when I thought I was relocating out of state. I ended up not moving, and have been covered up with work so much that I haven't been doing much fishing. I do miss the boat anytime I find myself with free time and the weather is nice, but not enough to make me want to get involved with a new project at the moment.

Nothing jumps out as far as what I would have done different. The boat turned out great for what I wanted and the hull I started with. The only significant difference in the next boat will be size. I've got my heart set on a 1652, as I feel this is the best all-around size for electric only fishing.
I think 1652 is the best size as well, luckily thats what mine is :mrgreen: ..... if i could change anything about it i would rather it be fully welded. But given the condition it was in and the price i got it for, i am not complaining. The boat needed washing but other than that it is in excellent condition. I have no clue if it had any leaky rivets, i have not even put it on the water or filled it up to find out. The botttom of the boat didnt have a dent in it and i had to look hard to find any scratches. I just wanted the steel flex on it for reassurance, I am skeptical of rivets. I will get the pictures off of my phone and start posting them here in the next day or two, you will have to let me know what you think.

What part of GA are you in?
I'm in Tucker. If you ever want to make a road trip fishing..... lemme know. 8)
[url= said:
Brine » 30 Jul 2014, 20:18[/url]"]I'm in Tucker. If you ever want to make a road trip fishing..... lemme know. 8)

I certainly will, as soon as I get the new boat finished we will take it out and see if we can put some fish in it. What lakes do you fish mostly, I assume Varner is on the list.
I fished with Dixie Jon Boat Anglers for a couple seasons, and High Voltage a few so yes... Varner was a regular stop plus all the others on the schedules.
[url= said:
Brine » 01 Aug 2014, 11:31[/url]"]I fished with Dixie Jon Boat Anglers for a couple seasons, and High Voltage a few so yes... Varner was a regular stop plus all the others on the schedules.

I like Varner sometimes, me and black shoals don't get along well. Hopefully in about 2 weeks I will have the new boat finished and ready for a road trip.
Let me know when you ready for a net man 8)