tackle warning - don't use these if you want big fish


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
Sussex, WI

Warning - DO NOT use this type of snap swivel if you want to land big fish!

Yesterday I took a new friend fishing in my boat. I was hooking up, but he wasn't, so I gave him one of my favorite spinnerbaits (white fringed with red - beautiful look - killer on bass). I told him 'tie it right on', he said he used these (see picture above) so he didn't need to waste time tying knots. I shrugged thinking that I barely knew him, maybe he'd landed big pike/bass with that before.
It was rainy, 25-30mph solid wind, 50mph gusts, cloudy, sunny, sometimes most at the same time. We fished real tight to shore and structure. In a few minutes he hooked into the BIGGEST bass I have ever seen in WI waters. If you told me it weighed 6.5, I wouldn't flinch - it was one big beast. I swear I could fit two fists into it's mouth. Anyway, it didn't fight too much to the boat, but once it saw the net/boat, it took off straight for the bottom of the lake. he tried to horse it up and then.... It pulled his snap swivel right open, and the bass swam off with my spinnerbait :cry: I could have cried. :cry: I sure hope it spits the spinnerbait and is ok.

We did go back there an hour later and try again, I had an nice hit, but didn't hookup, so maybe it was fine after all. I can only hope.

So moral of the story, don't loose your own big fish to an equipment malfunction.
I hate snap swivels for that reason. Now I only use a swivel for connections between the main line to the leader, tied on both ends.
I will use a dulock clip on small stuff and a fastlink clip for bigger stuff (like striped bass)

These are good and used by most of the striper and surf guys:


If you use these you need to remove the split ring 1st
:twisted: Great Post. Equipment failure plays a big part in losing quality fish. Many lures that come staright out of the package contain inferior parts. I had an issue with Booyah chatterbaits(Boogee Bait). That snap swivels on the blade would break or come undone. I switched to Eagle Claw brand, one size bigger and never had a problem again.
Yup.. learned that up this way awhile ago.. The snap's that either lock back onto them selves or have the tang sticking out are the best options for the little bit i use them..

Something like these with the extra bend..


The straight ones will pull..
I used to use snaps and had problems with them bending. I switched to speed clips and absolutely love them.
Tie directly to the lure, how much time are you saving anyway?
I also dont use snap swivels, however you do know that they are weight rated? Like your fishing line, they have a weight rating, exceed that limit and they open.

You do bring up a good point, your line is only as strong as the weakest link.
that kind of swivel is only good when baiting for panfish or small cats. i opt for coatlocks when hunting for bigger predators.

too bad about the lost lunker. that's a very expensive lesson.
I went out fishing Friday afternoon, at the ramp I met a guy that made me think of this thread. Guy showed me his swivel which was completely straight. It looked to be a Spro ball bearing swivel, which even has the extra bend like those that canoeman posted above.

I have pulled out those hooked ones as well on redfish - after the 2nd or 3rd one, I stopped using them. Also had them pull just a swivel apart once, so I stopped using those to. Lately I've gone back to 3way swivels for some rigs, but not often.
I'll use a swivel on my carolina rig (using the right size) and a snap on "certain" crankbaits , but never ever a snap/swivel combo !!!
shamoo said:
Tie directly to the lure, how much time are you saving anyway?

When I'm cranking I am always searching and changing lures. Under those circumstance I am saving a lot of time throughout the day.

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