Hi guys as you can see, its my first post. Also my first boat. On the first day I was out on the lake the water pump ran dry and the engine turned off. And wouldn't start. Took it back to my place and started working on it the first thing is that it wasnt peeing water out the tail tell. So I replaced the water pump housing, impeller, gaskets. while cranking it it will pee, once it turns over and running the stream stops.. So I noticed that while the engine is cranking it spins a different way than when it's actually started is this normal? My guess it that the water pump only works while its turned one way(CLOCKWISE while cranking). Or when my engine starts the exhaust gasses block the water way through a bad head gasket. What do you all think..
Oh by the way when the lower unit is down and water hose is directly on the bottom of the water tube, I get a very nice stream.
Thanks for the help and I notice this water pump topic has been beaten to death.sorry,
Oh by the way when the lower unit is down and water hose is directly on the bottom of the water tube, I get a very nice stream.
Thanks for the help and I notice this water pump topic has been beaten to death.sorry,