TinBoats Trivia Update


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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Geneva, Illinois
If you haven't tried the daily trivia game, give it a shot. Ten questions, different topics every day. Battles between Popeye and Capt (Esquired) every week. See latest poll on members topics here: https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20186&hilit=trivia+poll

Regular players ask for certain topics which become regular weekly topics like:

Science &Technology
Trivia mix
music (old rock & roll :)
any many more

Give it a try, play everyday or only when it's a good topic for you. See who can beat revrat (the monthly winner nearly every month :( :( :(

Incentive for first time players - you pic the topic for Thursday =D> =D>
BassAddict said:
Im the wormman, i couldn't log in under bassaddict

Ha, the wormman, I remember that name - I think you even posted a comment once or twice??? you only played 3 days this month - gotta jump in more often - don't know why you couldn't log in under your regular handle????
FishingCop said:
BassAddict said:
Im the wormman, i couldn't log in under bassaddict

Ha, the wormman, I remember that name - I think you even posted a comment once or twice??? you only played 3 days this month - gotta jump in more often - don't know why you couldn't log in under your regular handle????

Probably a password issue, ill have to add it to my "check daily" bookmark list
Just to toss this out there - I am kicking butt in the Tin Boats Trivia game

Sorry Popeye your reign of terror is over!

Captain Ahab said:
Just to toss this out there - I am kicking butt in the Tin Boats Trivia game

Sorry Popeye your reign of terror is over!


Ha ha, you might be kicking Popeye's and my butt, but Revrat is kicking all our buts and has been for 2 years - and you invited him and hes not even a TinBoats member???? So, he won't even see this post???

For those interested, go to the trivia game, click on Hall of Fame to see who has been the monthly winner and how many times the last 3 years or so. You'll see revrat on top over half the time, and Popeye makes a good showing too, with Esquired (Capt Ahab) right on his tail - so, that's Capt's challenge as stated above - "Sorry Popeye your reign of terror is over!" The gauntlet has been thrown, Esquied vs. Popeye - let the games begin :) :)
The idea behind the Trivia game was to get the TinBoats name out there - there are lots of guys from various fishing sites playing - RevRat is from Saltfish.net - a great DelMarVa fishing forum.

If you vist other forum throw a trivia link up there to help TinBoats

PS - do not mention Popeye's name or you will likely get banned
Captain Ahab said:
The idea behind the Trivia game was to get the TinBoats name out there - there are lots of guys from various fishing sites playing - RevRat is from Saltfish.net - a great DelMarVa fishing forum.

If you vist other forum throw a trivia link up there to help TinBoats

PS - do not mention Popeye's name or you will likely get banned

Yeah, I hear ya about Popeye :) :) Actually, I don't frequent other sites anymore, since my wife became ill and we sold our boat a few years ago, I don't get out fishing anymore. I only read a few select topics in the forum now too - but I have fun managing the trivia game and changing the pics everyday and changing up the topics too :)
The trivia game is alive and well - do you have what it takes to stand up to the pack of >>>>>>>

Play here: https://www.funtrivia.com/private/main.cfm?tid=62312
I didn't realize the trivia game had speed component. Not to mention I had to guess at most of the answers. I'll guess much faster in the future.

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