I bought a Tennessee Trailer for my 14 ft jon on craigslist recently. When I hooked it up to the truck the brakes and turn signal didn't work. Figured it was cause I didn't properly ground the wiring kit to my truck. the guy told me they worked on his truck and he would show me if I wanted, but I said it's fine I'll just fix the ground wire. So I did that the other evening. Instead of having the ground wire jammed into a crack that was painted red, I drilled a hole in the metal and screwed in the ground wire. The trailer lights come on when the truck lights are turned on. but the brakes and turn signals do not come on. I bought an expensive trailer wiring kit made just for my type of truck (a 91 toyota pickup). It was easy to install but the trailer brakes/ signals don't work. Not a huge worry because you can easily see my truck tail lights over the jon boat but I would still like to fix the trailer lights if I can. Anyone know what could be wrong? Thanks