WATCH OUT for E15 fuel

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TinBoats Supporter
Dec 12, 2014
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Eastern Mass
Trump lifted the ban on E15 today. According to BoatUS Manager of Government Affairs David Kennedy, “The proposal to sell E15 during the boating season is a recipe for misfueling in the highest order. The little E15 warning label currently required on gas station pumps does next to nothing to protect boaters’ engines, and it would dramatically increase the chances of E15 getting into a boat’s gas tank.”

Am not looking forward to the price of E10 fuel at marinas & docks ... but other sources say the 2 different rated fuels ‘should’ be sold side-by-side at (land) gas stations.

BE AWARE that older and newer OB motors were not designed to run on E15 fuel and it's use will VOID your warranty, if you have one ... and/or damage your motor.

Be careful fueling up!
Oh man, I will have to start checking at the pump. And yup, my 2018 outboard will not stand E15.

Thanks for the heads up.
We don't have any marinas nearby so I've been using gas station gas for 30 years. I've never had a new motor so I've never worried about it too much. I know it will rot out the fuel lines from the inside so make sure you have a good filter and keep an eye on it. My boat stays out in the sun at a dock all season so that tends to harden the fuel lines quicker than a boat that is covered or garaged. So I do change out the line a little more often.
The manual for my new motor says non ethenol is preferred, but e10 if you have to.
So far finding non ethenol gas isn't much of a problem where I live.
Also, I installed a fuel water seperater filter on my boat for good measure.
Bad part about Non-Ethanol is that it still might have ethanol in it. Local station advertised 93 octane no ethanol, yet when you test it, it's around 5%. Still meets federal madates (it only has to be labeled up to 10% if it's 7 to 10%). Also I questioned the station's owner that one night when I was in there and they said that they sold 62 gallons of non-ethanol that day and 8500 gal of 87 (E-10). Makes me wonder how long non-ethanol sits in the tank...and if it's any good when it goes into my 5 gal can.

I don't even use non-ethanol anymore. It's a waste of money. Everything I own that burns gasoline--and some of it's pretty old stuff, some new-ish, if it's going to sit for more than a couple weeks (rare this time of year), I'll suck the gas out and put it in the car & burn it through, then add fresh to the equipment I sucked it out of. Ain't had no problems out of anything, at least not fuel related. I think that John Deere push mower burns more oil than gas, but it was free and I expect it being that it was a freebie.
turbotodd said:
Bad part about Non-Ethanol is that it still might have ethanol in it. Local station advertised 93 octane no ethanol, yet when you test it, it's around 5%. Still meets federal madates (it only has to be labeled up to 10% if it's 7 to 10%). Also I questioned the station's owner that one night when I was in there and they said that they sold 62 gallons of non-ethanol that day and 8500 gal of 87 (E-10). Makes me wonder how long non-ethanol sits in the tank...and if it's any good when it goes into my 5 gal can.

I don't even use non-ethanol anymore. It's a waste of money. Everything I own that burns gasoline--and some of it's pretty old stuff, some new-ish, if it's going to sit for more than a couple weeks (rare this time of year), I'll suck the gas out and put it in the car & burn it through, then add fresh to the equipment I sucked it out of. Ain't had no problems out of anything, at least not fuel related. I think that John Deere push mower burns more oil than gas, but it was free and I expect it being that it was a freebie.

Oh, i don't debate fuel and oil. That's more a waste of time IMO. To each his own.

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