Hey all. Picked up a craigslist special, 10-footer of unknown make for 70 bucks which is about a buck per small hole near as I can tell. I've gone through with JB Waterweld to make it suitable for a small pond, but I'd like to do a proper repair/mod so it's just a little more comfortable and maybe could fish some small rivers if I decided to get a trailer. I did some searching, but is there a basics for beginners section or post on here anywhere? My instinct was to take the bench seats out and get rid of all the waterweld, drill out the stainless screws the guy who sold it to me used and then start filling with pop rivets with waterproofing sealant, but my brother-in-law said he thought taking out the benches would hurt the hull integrity of the boat.
I guess I have no idea what I'm doing, so any guidance would be appreciated.
I guess I have no idea what I'm doing, so any guidance would be appreciated.