Win A Longtail Mud Motor Kit

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This is my design submission. It can be adjusted for different kayaks and the reach for starting should be easy to pull with a 2.5hp. The handle has a bend to make throttle adjustments and to raise the prop more comfortable. The entire frame is made from 1"x1" aluminum tubing to conserve weight. This system allows for paddling and fishing on both sides. This design works on kayaks and canoes. It also allows the operator to face forward. The motor mount can be moved on the frame from one side to the other and centered to adjust for operator comfort.


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I have been away from the site for quite some time as I have been kayak fishing a lot more than tinboat fishing :) I have all sorts of ideas how to do this that I'll try and get on paper. My buddy and I have mounted trolling motors on our kayaks and were actually discussing our options to up the anti with a gas motor like this.

Did you ever come up with your final plans?


These clamps are rated for 2hp only. Biggest problem is you're trying to spread 4hp over a fragile surface.
You could do it with 2 struts to the pontoons. Wrench tightened clamps perhaps for more grip. Redundancy so if a clamp comes loose you don't wind up in the drink.)
Gunnel clamps would also have to hold ABS pontoon and a longtail you're working. That's asking a lot. If you lashed the forward strut to a thwart it would be pretty strong. Four clamps on the rear strut.
Anyway this isn't a design. I'm just throwing it out there.
that is similar to the mount I made for my old canoe. I used two 2x4's and had wing nuts close to the gunwale. mad it into a clamp. worked great for the trolling motor on the canoe. a buddy ended up offering $100 for it. I gave it to him in the end for free.

I don't think there is going to be a winner in this contest.
I was told last November that he would pick a winner "Probably Xmas but I might run it a bit longer to get a few more ideas".
If you want detail drawings let me know, its kinda what I do.


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Ok 1 year and no winner? not cool [-X [-X or is this a 5 year
Lol yall got dooped. Just work up a bill and pm him with it. Jk, im sure hes coming back haha
I've just got around to finalizing the results. Apologies for the delay, but what with Xmas etc.

We finished the prototype a couple of weeks ago, and have produced a few kits. Here is a video of the kit being installed on a Ryobi Weed Whacker. I've also made adaptations for the Echo GT225 Weed whacker.

Here's the how to video.

I didn't use any one person's ideas, but just general research and much trial and error. As I tweaked the design with a CAD program Autodesk 123D Design am ymy 3D Printer (I love these things)

So. The winner is HARU he'll get a 6hp Mud motor kit

I'm also giving two Kayak kits away, to Rabbit and Boarhog.

Thanks for your patience folks. Please pm me with your addresses.

After doing more work on this project over the months it's become obvious that the 3hp Harborfreight Predator motor, mounted on a 5-7hp Longtail Kit is somewhat overkill for a canoe. The weight factor alone is a problem making a canoe somewhat less stable. I must confess I was persuaded into this by seeing another company peddling a version of this. However, no one seems to have purchased one of their kits. The smaller weed whacker engines do a much better job, and are 1/4 of the weight. They also outperform the more commonly used electric trolling motors in range and weight. The Predator engine alone is 22lbs, mounted too high and upsets the center of gravity.

Over the next few weeks, you'll see Mud-skipper bring out a short shaft kit for a 35GX Honda/clone and a 'longtail' conversion kit for most weed whackers.
Cool! I'm sure I can use the kayak kit! Where can I see one at? I want to plan the install! Thanks Mudskipper! I hope there's a hat in the box. ;)
Thank you :D just got back from a duck hunt that motor would have been a life saver. Well at least back and knees. MUD MUD MUD and more MUD knee deep and sometimes deeper. But next year I'll be Mud Skipping across it =D> =D>
Just got my kit in. Did not expect to get a motor too :LOL2: :LOL2: MUD SKIPPER thank you =D> After duck season closes tomorrow I'll start putting it together. It's going on a final attack boat so I'll update how it turns out. The ducks better start getting scared now because next year I can get them where ever they try to hide. Again I would like to thank you. Yippee

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