Winter in New England

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Jan 4, 2009
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14 inches in 8 hours. Remind me again why I live in Maine?

Spring cannot come fast enough.......*begins pacing*........

Any cures for cabin fever?
dang... I finally saw a few flurries yesterday here, but nothing sticking... oh well I'll just enjoy your snow.. or misery!
Are you getting rain now?
It 's raining here,went from 0 degrees to 38 degrees in a day.

O ya a cure for cabin fever is shoveling snow:)
Dude, I'm feelin' ya. There's about 2 feet on the ground here (southern NH). I'm marking my calender for the fourth saturday in April, when trout ponds open here. In the meantime, gonna try to work on my boat project for the winter, once I have the $.
Zum said:
Are you getting rain now?
It 's raining here,went from 0 degrees to 38 degrees in a day.

O ya a cure for cabin fever is shoveling snow:)

Haha. My cure consists of blasting some Jimmy Buffett, and thinking warm... sunny... thoughts of summer 8) . Remember, margaritaville isn't so much an actual place as is is a state of mind.
It was Zero here Saturday morning and today it was 38 and now we just got a coating of snow :roll:
well two days ago it was -19 and today it was 28, i almost wore shorts! :shock: and to make it better its going to be a whopping 35 on wednesday!
I love the snow! Unfortunately here in my area, a "good snow" over the past several years has been 1 snowy day a year where we get 2-3". Not cool for a snow junky like myself. Sounds like I need to visit up north... would like to see Main, Canada and Alaska. Maybe one day when the boys have graduated... [-o<
G3_Guy said:
I love the snow! Unfortunately here in my area, a "good snow" over the past several years has been 1 snowy day a year where we get 2-3". Not cool for a snow junky like myself. Sounds like I need to visit up north... would like to see Main, Canada and Alaska. Maybe one day when the boys have graduated... [-o<

You are nuts - snow sucks! You cannot drive, cannot get anywhere, only fishing is ice fishing which barely beats watching paint dry (unless you can keep the fish - then at least it has a purpose)

I would give my kidney, most of my liver and my pinky finger (as a package set) for some open water to fish



LOL... I've been called a lot worse Capt. and you might be right... but I still love the snow. Always have.
ok cap you are out in left field with these comments
You are nuts - snow sucks! You cannot drive, cannot get anywhere, only fishing is ice fishing which barely beats watching paint dry (unless you can keep the fish - then at least it has a purpose)

have you ever been out on the ice with a bunch of guys fishing iam headind out at 130 am for a derby sat morning we will be on the ice 4 hrs before the derby starts setting up camp drilling holes and cooking its a blast
frozen car doors, salt crust on your truck, 400lbs of sand bags in the bed, Black ice sending your truck in to a spin, boat collecting dust in the garage, 3 hrs of daylight a day and cabin fever, whats not to like about winter??? :roll:

it has been in the low 30's the past few days, but now that its the weekend its back down around zero for the high temps here in MN. :x
High today was 72.Low tonight supposed to be 48 and back to 72 tomorrow.Supposed to be back in the upper 70's by about wednesday. Sorry guys, I had to say it.