Quick Minn Kota trolling motor question


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I hate thieves. Glad we have a fenced yard with two Rottweilers and live back in the woods. In the city, we got stuff stolen on occasion, including our car once, and you are never quite ready for it.

That's interesting. I'm a beekeeper:
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I've made candles, (boring!) but don't really use the wax for anything. I just give it away, usually.

Maybe I'll warm up some wax, mix it with a little mineral oil, stir it into a paste and see how it works on stuff. Might be a good use for it.
Back in my youth, my uncle was a beekeeper ( 60 plus yrs back) I had the opportunity to help him on a number of ocassions. He always saved the beeswax, melted it down poured it into egg shell halves then gave/ sold it to sewing women to run there sewing needles into to make them easier to use !! My mother wouldn't sew without her beeswax chunk sitting beside her. For many years I was a competative shooter in high powered airguns and used beeswax to lube my pellets, helped keep the barrel from fouling. Then found a beeswax furniture spray polish recomended to me by the Amish folks that built our furniture. Not sure what they do to produce it, but it is awesome stuff for my fancy wood stocks and does a great job removing finger prints and preventing rust on the metal.
I may as well add. Speaking of thieves.
Just yesterday I gathered up everything I needed to change oil in my F150.
Removed the front spoiler that runs along t underneath the front bumper so I can fit myself underneath the truck. Went to crawl underneath and I saw the rear splash guard hanging down facing the front with screws still in and the metal bracket it bolts to on one side is looks busted even torn somehow. If I would have hit anything that did that I would have already stuck my head under the truck as soon as it happened. I could only get so far back there but got some pics. I had to leave it to be somewhere.
I looked at the pictures last night and that bracket didn’t just shear off. It looks like it’s been chewed on. As in cut.
Guess what all that cover’s. Both catalytic converters.
I posted the pictures on the F150 Ecoboost forum I’m a member of. And had a reply already this morning. Said it was definitely an attempted catalytic converter theft. He said he’s seen it more than once.
These guys have equipment that can just cut them right off once they get to them. I’m about to go out now and put the truck on stands and see if I have anything else damaged. I’ll be replacing that entire shield with a metal plate.
I keep my truck in front of the house close to the front porch.
The only other place it could have happened is in the parking lot of the boat ramp at a power plant lack.
Saturday night my grandson and I stayed on the water until 11pm. The cool air was producing fog off the warm water so we came in before it got think. We were the only ones out there that late. I know there’s a patrol out there but I don’t know his route or how often he comes to the ramp that late. He didn’t have a reason to for my truck and trailer because he checked me on the way to the water.
I’m about to go out to the shop now and see if I can’t just remove it whole thing for now so I can drive it.
I’m taking two more grandsons to another lake to stay the weekend of the 24th and got a lot of things to get done . The boat and outboard need a little attention as well as putting everything together for the trip. I got a 5 gallon bucket of my chum recipe brewing outside. Added yeast to it yesterday because the weather is cool and I wanted to speed up the process.
If I would have seen it going on under my truck I would have come out of the boat with something they don’t want to meet. We were running trolling motor only because of issues with the outboard. And we could have been spotted coming up the cove from 15 minutes away with all my lights on and spot light for buoys.
Here’s some pictures.
When I bought the Honda Pilot, I had to sign something saying I declined to pay $400 for them to engrave the catalytic converter. Apparently the scrap dealers seeing the engraving will recognize it is stolen and refuse to buy it from the crooks. Knowing that, I guess the thought is the thieves will skip it and more on.
When I bought the Honda Pilot, I had to sign something saying I declined to pay $400 for them to engrave the catalytic converter. Apparently the scrap dealers seeing the engraving will recognize it is stolen and refuse to buy it from the crooks. Knowing that, I guess the thought is the thieves will skip it and more on.
I’ve been trying to figure out what they do with them. I didn’t know if there’s some kind of ring or something. Then again I need to google what all is inside them.
I removed the shield today so I can use the truck for now but I’ll be ordering me an aftermarket metal shield that’s supposed to stop them from trying to steal them.
Right after moving out into the country we built a pole barn. As we were the only house for well over a quarter mile, I did not get carried away on security measures. Well our barn was broke into, but scared off before they got very much. I installed a motion detector inside but the alarm itself was in our bedroom. The burglars had no idea the alarm went off but we did. Wife called the sherriff and neighbor, while I went out with my personal friend (357) then the neighbor came right behind me with his friend and we had them cornered !! The two fellows had just got out of prison 6 weeks earlier and were already awaiting trial for a robbery in the next county and were currently on bail...yep, model citizens. Silent alarms can be your friend !
I’ve been trying to figure out what they do with them. I didn’t know if there’s some kind of ring or something. Then again I need to google what all is inside them.
I removed the shield today so I can use the truck for now but I’ll be ordering me an aftermarket metal shield that’s supposed to stop them from trying to steal them.

They sell them to scrap yards for the precious metals (platinum).

Apparently one of the reasons hybrid cars are targeted more is the catalytic converters contain larger quantities of the precious metals. Has to do with running cooler because they are electric vehicles for a large part of the running time. I can't say I really understand it, but that is what I read.
They sell them to scrap yards for the precious metals (platinum).

Apparently one of the reasons hybrid cars are targeted more is the catalytic converters contain larger quantities of the precious metals. Has to do with running cooler because they are electric vehicles for a large part of the running time. I can't say I really understand it, but that is what I read.
I did some research last night. There’s other precious metals to go along with the platinum. Found more than one list of the topmost vehicles they are stolen from and F-series trucks where number one along with several hybrid models listed. Is you get a Diesel engine the no worries apparently there’s nothing in those. In 2021 there where like 1900 in all reported then 2022 - 18,000 ,2023-64,000.
Top two States where most of this happened was California and Texas.
It said Covid caused prices to sore on the metals because unavailability.
I’m going by memory on the numbers so rounded them but they’re close. Especially the jump to 64,000.
They look for vehicles they can get under easily and hide and they can have them removed quickly. Especially trucks with lifts installed. Those are easiest to remove. If not sold directly to a scrap yard there’s a black market. They’re getting as much as a thousand bucks sometimes.
I wish you had those bees near our house they would help our garden tremendously.
That is why we got bees. We hadn't seen a honeybee for years, so I figured I'd get a hive and put it in the yard. Turns out, there is a LOT more to beekeeping than I ever knew. It has become a bigger hobby than fishing, if you count by hours I spend on it.

But yeah, all of our trees and plants do amazingly well, as do the neighbor's. And the honey is amazing. I thought honey was okay, but never loved it. Then I tasted it right out of the hive, and it changed everything! NOW I understand what "crazy honey people" are talking about.

The cool thing is that each hive makes different honey, depending on what plants they are focused on. When the blackberries are everywhere, we get blackberry honey. Right now, they are on the early maple trees. Dandelions, tulip poplar, sourwood, wildflowers, fruit trees, goldenrod - the list is countless, and each honey tastes very different.

Store bought honey is typically pasteurized, homogenized, cooked to death and stored for years before it hits the shelves. That's why it almost always tastes the same.

Real, fresh honey is as amazing and diverse as the plants the bees forage on. Countless varieties.

God has created some amazing stuff for us to enjoy. Sunlight, beauty, the wild outdoors, family, pets, happiness and so much more. It really is a privilege to live on this planet.
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In my younger days working with my uncle and his bees, we used honey for everything ! Honey instead of sugar for baking, in coffee and even on ice cream. We were given pieces of comb filled with honey and chewed small pieces like chewing gum. My uncle always set his hives at apple farms, that was awesome honey....your pics brought back many fond memories...thanks!!
That is why we got bees. We hadn't seen a honeybee for years, so I figured I'd get a hive and put it in the yard. Turns out, there is a LOT more to beekeeping than I ever knew. It has become a bigger hobby than fishing, if you count by hours I spend on it.

But yeah, all of our trees and plants do amazingly well, as do the neighbor's. And the honey is amazing. I thought honey was okay, but never loved it. Then I tasted it right out of the hive, and it changed everything! NOW I understand what "crazy honey people" are talking about.

The cool thing is that each hive makes different honey, depending on what plants they are focused on. When the blackberries are everywhere, we get blackberry honey. Right now, they are on the early maple trees. Dandelions, tulip poplar, sourwood, wildflowers, fruit trees, goldenrod - the list is countless, and each honey tastes very different.

Store bought honey is typically pasteurized, homogenized, cooked to death and stored for years before it hits the shelves. That's why it almost always tastes the same.

Real, fresh honey is as amazing and diverse as the plants the bees forage on. Countless varieties.

God has created some amazing stuff for us to enjoy. Sunlight, beauty, the wild outdoors, family, pets, happiness and so much more. It really is a privilege to live on this planet.
Amen brother, we had an awful year in our garden a few years ago and noticed we haven’t seen any bees. The next year we saw a few then a few more. But it’s nothing like it was 12 years ago when we moved here and built our garden.

We have some friends that are about a 1/4 mile away as the bee flies.
They moved there last year and started some hives.
We’ve thought about it but our rural subdivision has grown. And we have neighbors to close. We used to have woods around out property now I have a mobil home parked with in 100’ of my Bar B Que shed in the back.

I know what your saying about fresh untouched local honey. My last house wasn’t to far from an elderly man that had bees. He would give me honey. At first I thought something was wrong because it didn’t look like it does in the store. He gave me a lesson about the difference. I sure miss it.
Oh, yes, the color is very different between the types of honey.
Some honey is very dark and somewhat bitter.
Some honey is very dark, but tastes light and sweet.
Some honey is "blonde" and tastes like flowers.
Some honey is "blonde" and tastes like coffee
Goldenrod honey is super yellow, and is amazing, almost hard to describe.
Apple honey is tart and delicious - great over pancakes.

So many honeys, so little time...
You guys are making me hungry. What are some of your favorite things to put it on? Buttered toast with honey is pretty darn good.
Can't beat fresh warm rolls right from the oven, drizzled with honey !! As you eat them the honey runs down your chin into your beard and is smeared all over your mustache........oh..wait...just me drooling thinking about it !!
Can't beat fresh warm rolls right from the oven, drizzled with honey !! As you eat them the honey runs down your chin into your beard and is smeared all over your mustache........oh..wait...just me drooling thinking about it !!
I use real butter to mix with honey then it goes on the biscuit. I’ve even put honey on pan sausage.
Dog gone it now my beard needs a washing too.
Back to thieves. The town my wife and I lived in when we first got married was starting to get kinda bad. We lived in a very tight neighborhood with row homes and twin homes. I always slept with the window cracked. One night around 1AM I heard the sound of tools clanking out front. I thought my crazy neighbor was working on his junk van he drove, but I looked out the window anyway. I see a guy with a floor jack under my car and another guy on the curb spinning the lugs off my wives car. I called the cops and kept watching. He got the wheel off and that was it for me, wasn’t waiting any longer. it was turkey season and my pump gun was downstairs on the table. I flung open the door and pumped the gun no ammo involved. The guy sitting on the curb virtually levitated and they took off. Leaving the nice floor jack behind. Cops show up I told them they took off. The cops drive around looking. I look across the street and see someone duck down in the seat of a parked car. Pointed out to cops when they rolled back through. Turned out to be the girlfriend / getaway driver. Ended up in court with these clowns, and made fools of them in front of the judge. I hate thieves. Glad I no longer live there.
Back to thieves. The town my wife and I lived in when we first got married was starting to get kinda bad. We lived in a very tight neighborhood with row homes and twin homes. I always slept with the window cracked. One night around 1AM I heard the sound of tools clanking out front. I thought my crazy neighbor was working on his junk van he drove, but I looked out the window anyway. I see a guy with a floor jack under my car and another guy on the curb spinning the lugs off my wives car. I called the cops and kept watching. He got the wheel off and that was it for me, wasn’t waiting any longer. it was turkey season and my pump gun was downstairs on the table. I flung open the door and pumped the gun no ammo involved. The guy sitting on the curb virtually levitated and they took off. Leaving the nice floor jack behind. Cops show up I told them they took off. The cops drive around looking. I look across the street and see someone duck down in the seat of a parked car. Pointed out to cops when they rolled back through. Turned out to be the girlfriend / getaway driver. Ended up in court with these clowns, and made fools of them in front of the judge. I hate thieves. Glad I no longer live there.
I have a similar incident.
My first wife had a nephew that would sneak in our house in the middle of the night because he had been partying and didn’t want to go home.
His dad would let him have it if he went home.
I didn’t appreciate it at all and just happened to be pretty close friends with my brother in law (his dad).
Changed locks and told the boy he’s not using our house to hide what he’d been doing.

About a week later I hear the door being messed with. I went down the hallway and looked around the corner and the little turkey was not trying but successfully breaking in the house.
I grabbed my pump 12 ga. Benelli again no amo.
Went to the end of the hall and waited. As soon as the back door opened I let him take a couple of steps in and I jacked that 3 1/2” magnum pump and I think he soiled him self a little. He got a whole lot of religion all of a sudden. After the shouting towards the heaven he started yelling Doug it’s me pleases it’s me. I just stood there and stared at him for a second in the dark house and said now go home!

He didn’t even come back in the day time for a long time.
Right after moving out into the country we built a pole barn. As we were the only house for well over a quarter mile, I did not get carried away on security measures. Well our barn was broke into, but scared off before they got very much. I installed a motion detector inside but the alarm itself was in our bedroom. The burglars had no idea the alarm went off but we did. Wife called the sherriff and neighbor, while I went out with my personal friend (357) then the neighbor came right behind me with his friend and we had them cornered !! The two fellows had just got out of prison 6 weeks earlier and were already awaiting trial for a robbery in the next county and were currently on bail...yep, model citizens. Silent alarms can be your friend !
I had that happen at my fathers house years ago and a neighbor found some of the loot they left behind when they were approached by a late night neighbor coming home from work; Cops did nothing, said they couldn't find them, well neighborhood watch was started and within 2 weeks we had them cornered and screaming for the police as my pit bull dog had them up against a garage just waiting for one of them to move; my Dad told them move and the dog will rip out your throats. I left my pit bull with mom and dad after the 1st break in and "Pete" was a terrific watch dog, let you come in but would not let you leave, was so funny how he would do that.
I'm a beekeeper also....I have worked commercial beekeeping (1800 hives) and at one point I had 40 hives of my own.....lots and lots of work...
Sold it all because I didn't have time to fish and hunt...all time was allocated to taking care of bees. Now I just have 2 hives....but in all those years of beekeeping I never melted an ounce of wax.....its a golden resource and takes too much for bees to produce it to just take it from them.
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